"The Dear One" is a novel by Steven Carroll that follows the lives of two couples in late 19th-century Melbourne, exploring themes of love, loss, and memory. Set against the backdrop of the construction of the city's grand Exhibition Building, the novel delves into the complexities of human relationships and societal expectations. Through lyrical prose and intertwined narratives, Carroll crafts a poignant story of passion and longing.
I really have no idea. I just finished the book.
no one was in the book it was only a boring book
No. A summary only contains facts about a book. A book review contains opinions.
Dear John is the best book I have read in my life. I am in middle school and the book made me cry.
It's a good book
No one knows for sure
Basically, it's just the summary of the main idea. If you've ever shopped for a book and saw the summary of the book, that's the plot summary; it just took everything important, all the main ideas, from the book and simplified it into a paragragh or two that told you all about the book in short. A plot summary is just that; a summary of the plot.
This book consists of short stories, in order to get a summary of this book specify which soty or read the enitre book and make your own summary of the different stories.
I have the book and the book says: in his letters to his favorite author, ten-year-old Leigh reveals problems in coping with his parents' divorce, being the new boy in school, and generally finding his own place in the world.
The book 'Dear Mr. Henshaw' by Beverly Cleary has approximately 14,000 words. It is a well-known children's book that tells the story of a boy's letters to his favorite author.
meatspin.com has the summary of the book
The Lost Boy by David Pelzer is an awesome book. If you can't go read it, you do not deserve to get a summary of chapter one.