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The Odyssey started after Troy fell and Odysseus was cursed by the gods that he would find it hard to reach his home Ithaca. Poseidon was most angered by Odysseus' arrogance that the victory over Troy was due to him. The god made it impossible for Odysseus and his men to sail through the seas and they encountered various monsters (Cyclops, Scylla, Charybdis) and temptresses (Circe, Calypso) who were all bent on killing him and his men and or delaying him. After years of suffering Athena and the gods finally relented and allowed him to finally return home. Upon reaching Ithaca he learned that his wife Penelope was being woed by a number of randy suitors who laid waste to his palace. He and his son Telemachus devised a plan to overcome the suitors by making a contest on whomever could string the arrow inside 12 rings.

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15y ago
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6mo ago

"The Odyssey" is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to the poet Homer. It follows the hero Odysseus on his journey home from the Trojan War, encountering various obstacles and adventures along the way. The poem explores themes of perseverance, loyalty, and the power of the gods.

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12y ago

Odysseus or Ulysses left Troy at the end of the ten-year war and headed for his home in Ithaca. There his loving wife Penelope had been faithfully waiting for him, rejecting all offers of remarriage (her husband was presumed dead and the suitors coveted his throne). Although when he set off he was accompanied by numerous men, at the end of his ten-year voyage Ulysses was alone as everyone else had perished (in their encounters with a cyclope, a witch, sea monsters, etc).

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10y ago

The Odyssey takes place after the Trojan war. It tells the story of Odysseus's journey home to Ithaca. Odysseus has to conquer several feats; a cyclops, a six-headed beast, a cyclone, and sea nymphs.

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14y ago

While Poseidon is in Ethiopia, Athena goes to Mount Olympus and persuades the gods to send Odysseus home, whom is languishing on Calypso's island. It is revealed that Odysseus has blinded Poseidon's son Polyphemos the cyclops. Hermes is sent to tell Calypso of the gods' decision.

Athena goes to Ithaca and speaks with Telemachus in disguise as a traveler. It is revealed that Odysseus' house is full of suitors, wooing Penelope, and eating Telemachus out of house and home. Athena inspires Telemachus with courage, and Telemachus realizes she was a god.

Penelope comes downstairs with tears after hearing Phemius the bard's song about gods and heroes, but Telemachus rebukes her and tells her to go to her room. Telemachus then declares that he will formally tell the suitors to leave tomorrow morning, making thinly veiled death threats. Antinous, rebuts angrily, but Eurymachus tries to appease Telemachus with his words. The suitors continue feasting throughout the night.

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6y ago

Odysseus is telling the Phaeacians his experiences in the battle of Troy. He and his men had stopped at a city. Odysseus's men forgot about their cares and stayed at the city of the Cicones longer than they should've. Because of their foolishness, the residents of the city attacked. Odysseus and his crew escaped, having lost six men per ship. A storm sent by Zeus swept them along for nine days before bringing them to an island, where the natives gave Odysseus's men the fruit of the lotus. As soon as they ate the fruit, they forgot about their cares. By forcing his men back to the ship, Odysseus got them off the island.

Odysseus and his men sailed through to the land of the Cyclopes. There they found a cave full of sheep, milk, and cheese. The men told Odysseus to snatch some of the food. The Cyclops, Polyphemus; Poseidon's son, returns to his cave while Odysseus and his best men are still inside. He eats two of Odysseus's men and traps the small crew in his cave for future meals.

Odysseus devised a plan to escape and free his men. While the Cyclops was outside with his sheep, Odysseus found a wooden staff in the cave and heated it with the fire. When Polyphemus returns, Odysseus got him drunk on wine that he received from the gods. While drunk, the Cyclops asked Odysseus for his name. Odysseus said his name was "Nobody". Polyphemus passed out with intoxication, and Odysseus and his men stabbed the burning staff into his eye. The Cyclops awoke with a loud yell, and his neighbors came to see what was wrong. The son of Poseidon shouted, "Nobody's hurting me!", and the neighbors left. When morning came, Odysseus and his men escaped from the cave by hiding under the bellies of the Cyclops's sheep. Once outside, they boarded their ships with Polyphemus's flock. Odysseus calls to the Cyclops and reveals his true identity. With his former prisoners out of reach, the blind giant yelled a prayer to Poseidon, calling for revenge and suffering on Odysseus.

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13y ago

odysseys is on his way back from the Trojan war were he ends up on the island of the cyclopes.

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13y ago

Odysseus reveals who he is. He begins the story of his adventures with the Cicones, the Lotus-eaters, and his escape from the Cyclops.

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8y ago

The invocation, in which the poet asks for inspiration from the muse to tell the story of Odysseus.

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11y ago

Man leaves home, wanders about having adventures, and returns.

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