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Q: What is the medical term meaning symptoms that precede the illness?
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What is the medical term meaning a peculiar sensation appearing before more definite symptoms?

In medical terminology, this is what is known as aura, prodome, or set of 'prodromal symptoms'. Aura is a term used to describe peculiar symptoms that may appear before more definite symptoms of a disease or disorder such as Epilepsy or Migraine.

What is the definition of prodromal?

Prodromal refers to the early symptoms or warning signs that precede the onset of a disease or illness. It can help in identifying and treating the condition early.

How do you spell preceede?

The correct spelling of the word is precede (come before).The similar word meaning "to continue" is proceed.

Meaning of antedate?

Precede in time; come before (something) in date.

The meaning of antecede?

To go before in time or place; to precede; to surpass.

What is the root word of precedent?

The root word of "precedent" is "precede," which comes from the Latin word "praecedere," meaning "to go before" or "to precede."

What part of speech is precede?

"Precede" is a verb.

What is a Homophone for precede?

There is no homophone for the word precede.

Is precede an adjective?

No, precede is a verb.

What language does precede come from?

Like many English words, it comes from Latin. (When you see the prefix "pre-", that means "before"). Precede comes from the Latin words meaning to go before (prae cedere).

How does Whipple's disease normally progress?

n most cases the first symptoms are arthritic joints, which can precede the malabsorption symptoms of Whipple's disease by many years. Commonly, the disease progresses to the small intestine

Does the number two precede or proceed the number three?

Precede Obviously!