The Latin word librarium is equivalent to "library" in English language.
The word "Librarium" in Latin, means "Book Case".
Novus Orbis Librarium
The word librarium is Latin word meaning "bookcase. If you are into playing World of War Craft the LIbrarium is a large room containing the knowledge of the blue dragonflight. The Grand Magus Telestra can be found there.
The word "library" comes from the Latin word "liber," which means book. It originally referred to a collection of books stored in a specific place for reading or borrowing.
Library originally comes from the Latin, librarium, or bybliotheca and bybliothecae, which means a collection of books, or from "Libri Rari", which means rare books, depending on your point of view.
The word "library" has a long vowel sound because of the silent "e" at the end of the word. The presence of the silent "e" changes the pronunciation of the vowel "i" from short to long.
The word Library originates from the late 14th century, from the Anglo-French word librarie, which means collection of books, and derives from the word librarium (meaning "chest for books").The word librariaum derives from the latin words liber and -ārius. Liber means "book", and likely derives from the older word luber, which refers to the "bark of a tree", and "to peel/shell". The latin suffix arius refers to a "thing or place" with which the prefix belongs to or is connected to. Thus, liber +-ārius would refer to a place where books belong.
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