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Eircom is the principal provider of fixed-line telecommunications services in Ireland with approximately 2.6 million fixed-line telephone access channels in service.

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3mo ago

There appears to be a misunderstanding. "Eircrom" does not seem to be a recognized term or concept in relation to a phone book. It might be a typo or a specific term that is not widely known. Can you provide more context or clarify your question for me to assist you better?

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Q: What is the Eircrom phone book?
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an example of a paper based database is a phone book or a telephone book. hope this helps

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It is likely a phone directory or address book. These are physical books or digital applications where you can store and organize contact information such as phone numbers.

Where can I find a phone book?

The yellow pages website is a place you can look at. You can order a phone book and get it sent home. You can also call your local phone company to ask if they can send you a phone book.

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Sad to say, there's no way to recover the phone book of lost phone, unless it is a VoIP phone and have back-up online.

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Where can you get someones phone number?

The Phone book

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try the phone book.

Are celebrities numbers in the phone book?

No, they are not. It isn't at all feasible for celebrities to have their personal phone numbers in the phone book. In fact, not only are they not in the phone book, celebrities take great care to keep their numbers private and out of the hands of the public.