I would guess the Dewey Decimal classification for a yearbook is 051, English language serials.
The Dewey Decimal number for thermodynamics is 536.
The Dewey decimal number for camping is 796.54.
The Dewey decimal number for Disasters is 363.34.
The Dewey decimal number for autobiography is 928.
The Dewey Decimal number for ninja is 796.815.
The Dewey decimal number for Greek civilization is 938 in the Dewey Decimal Classification system.
The Dewey Decimal number for horses is 599.665.
The Dewey decimal number for Esperanza Rising is FIC RYA.
The Dewey decimal number for space exploration is typically 629.45.
Shakespeare is the only author to have his own Dewey Decimal number.
The Dewey Decimal number for books about the American Revolution is 973.3.
The Dewey decimal number for Chinese New Year is 394.261.