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11mo ago

The oldest person in the world, Kane Tanaka, is right-handed.

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Related questions

What do you call a left handed person?

A left handed person is called a southpaw.

What do you call a left-handed person?

A left handed person is called a southpaw.

How much percent of the world is left handed?

10 percent of the world is left handed.

Can a left handed catch in majors?

can a left handed person be catcher in the major lieges

Did a left handed person invent the mouse?

um,since the mouse is on the right handed side not left,but a right handed person created the mouse.Yes,nailed it.

In baseballl what is a southpaw?

righty Southpaw means a left-handed person. So the opposite is a right-handed person.

What determines whether a person is right or left-handed?

Handedness, or whether a person is right or left-handed, is determined by the dominant hemisphere of the brain. The dominant hemisphere controls the side of the body that is more skilled and coordinated, leading to a person being either right-handed or left-handed.

Do left handed persons throw a tennis ball further than right handed persons?

it doesn't matter if the person id left handed or right handed... if the person is good at the game then he is really good.

What tool is more easily used by a right handed person than by a left handed?

Most tools are designed for use by the more common right-handed person. A left-handed either uses such tools rather awkwardly, or buys tools specially made for left-handed people. For instance, scissors can be bought in left or right handed versions.

Does being left-handed affect how a person should hold a boning knife?

Yes, a left-handed person needs to use their right hand, or have their boning knife re-ground for a left-handed hold. You can also purchase boning knives made specifically for left-handed people.

How many left handed people are in the world?

It's not very accurate, but I claim 10% of the world is left-handed. Also, studies say that people who are left-handed are highly creative. I'm left-handed and I'm the best drawer in my school. Hope that answers your question!

What is the population of left-handed people in the world?

The worlds population of left handed people is approximately 11%