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In MLA style, you would list multiple authors by separating their names with a comma and the word "and" before the last author's name. For example: Last name, First name of Author 1, and First name Last name of Author 2.

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Q: How do I add two authors in MLA?
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How do you cite essays with 2 different authors in MLA Format?

In MLA format, when citing an essay with two authors, list both authors' last names in the in-text citation. For the Works Cited page, list the authors in the order they appear in the essay, followed by the title of the essay, the title of the book or publication it appears in, the editor (if applicable), the publisher, and the publication date.

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The way that you would source this depends on which style you are using including APA, MLA, and Chicago. On the first instance, include the entire name of the article and both authors in your paper.

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In a MLA Works Cited page, the list is alphabetized by authors' last name. If a source has no author, the title is used for alphabetizing. Multiple works by the same author are arranged chronologically by publication.

Why is MLA used?

MLA (Modern Language Association) style is commonly used in humanities disciplines like English, literature, and languages. It provides a consistent format for citing sources in academic writing, which helps to give credit to the original authors and allows readers to easily locate the sources referenced in a paper. Additionally, using MLA style promotes academic integrity by demonstrating a writer's commitment to ethical research practices.

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What is the essential logic of MLA?

MLA (Modern Language Association) style is a system for documenting sources in academic writing. It provides guidelines for citing various types of sources within the text and in a Works Cited page to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism. Consistency and clarity in formatting citations and references are essential in MLA style.

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In MLA format, the following is the correct way to cite a book with two authors:Felix Bacon and Bernice Jones. The Title of Their Book. New York: Penguin, 2014. Print.

How do you do in essay citing?

In APA, you would include the first and middle initials of each author in order to distinguish between them. See this page for an example (under the heading "If two authors have the same last name"): In MLA, you would include the authors' first names. See this site for an example:

What are MLA backbencher?

An MLA backbencher is a newly elected MLA