"The Great Stone Face," a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, follows the life of a young boy named Ernest who is inspired by a natural rock formation resembling the face of a wise, benevolent man. Despite various individuals mistakenly being hailed as the prophesied likeness, Ernest ultimately embodies the virtues attributed to The Great Stone Face through his own actions and character. The story explores themes of integrity, wisdom, and the power of living a virtuous life.
Its About a Boy .. named ernest ... but if you want to know more . read it ... " :) jaja .. ! did you think i will tell you the answer ?? .. if the answer was yes you were confused .
Ernest was the Great Stone Face.
The Great Stone Face - 1968 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
It got bombed
Buster Keaton
Chapter 4 explores the protagonist's struggle with inner conflict and self-doubt as they come face to face with a difficult decision. It delves into their internal dialogue and emotions as they weigh the pros and cons of their choices, ultimately leading to a pivotal moment of growth or realization. The chapter sets the stage for the character's development and the direction of the narrative.
Sherman Adams went by The Great Stone Face.
The Great Stone Face was a natural teacher for Ernest because he embodied the virtues of honesty, integrity, and wisdom. Ernest looked up to the face as a role model and learned valuable lessons by observing its steadfast and noble qualities. The face served as a silent mentor, guiding Ernest on the path of goodness and virtue.
They come face to face in chapter 14 of 'The Hound of the Baskervilles.'
In Chapter 1 of "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry," the Logan family faces racism and inequality in Mississippi during the Great Depression. They experience discrimination when Cassie, the protagonist, is confronted by Jeremy, a white boy who tries to befriend her despite the racial divide. This chapter sets the stage for the challenges the Logan family will face due to systemic racism.
Buster Keaton
Chapter two of "True North" by Kathryn Lasky follows the protagonist Tab and his family's journey through the frozen Norwegian wilderness. They face challenges such as harsh weather, dangerous animals, and treacherous terrain as they navigate towards safety. Tab's determination and resourcefulness reveal his resilience and courage in the face of adversity.