It is most useful to help spelling.
It provides a list of words and often a wide range of examples as in how the different words are used.
A good dictionary provide us with information we need in order to spell and use correct grammar regarding each different word.
Most people would use a dictionary for spelling those long incomprehensibly unfathomable even some times questionable words of dubious origin that are often misused.
A dictionary is very useful to everybody who uses language, especially to students, teachers, researchers. Its useful importance is to give definition/meaning to words in order to clarify and make a person understand the word he/she searches for in the proper context.
Dictionaries include a lot of useful information and how to spell almost every single word in the English language. They are useful in schools, universities, colleges and homes.
There is a lot of useful college on-line dictonary and there is not one that is more useful than an other. The one that was voted the best is larousse.
Depends on which dictionary, I suppose. "Noob" is short for "newbie", used especially for somebody that is new to a game.
Quotas are useful especially in sampling when selecting survey participants.
noun --- someone who composes especially music
Online Dictionaries are very useful if a word may be considered slang or modern (invariably, online dictionaries contain more up-to-date words AND meanings) where a printed Dictionary will have solid descriptions, etymology and roots of words, useful for writing essays.
A thesaurus would be a useful tool for finding synonyms. Americans are people from the United States of America.
Use an etymological dictionary, for example Wiktionary.
Insect excrement, especially leaf eating insects
An anagram dictionary is a list of words or groups of words, ordered according to the number of letters in each word, useful for solving crosswords and similar puzzles.
Hello, found this useful site: Cheers and good luck! Chris Ellingson