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That depends on how many teeth have to be collected that night. Whatever you do, though, don't sleep with your head under the pillow, or you may wake up with no teeth and a mouth full of money! (Just kidding.)

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9y ago
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13y ago

the tooth fairy comes out when you are asleep. :]

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Lvl 1
4y ago
We ovsley
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Ava Fgfchdgfbfb

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2y ago
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Bianca Gunderloy

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2y ago
i want money
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Nuvia Escobar

Lvl 1
2y ago
I just wanted to know for my daughter, It doesnt say the time like at 1am or something :/

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15y ago

The Tooth Fairy comes when you lose a tooth. You leave it under your pillow and he comes and takes it and gives you money or some type of other gift.

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11y ago

Theres nothing lyk toothfairies...Just a fantasy fiction tale

if there is may usually come at midnight ...or even anytime...mostly when ppl dont look.....

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15y ago

Its a time that no one wil know!! i dont mean to hurt you but theres no such thing is a tooth fairy...sorry

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6y ago

The tooth fairy is very shy, and only comes while you are sleeping, to avoid being seen.

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Mallory Quinn

Lvl 2
4y ago

they come out always because they're your parents, don't you see your parents morning through evening.

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15y ago

After you lose a tooth

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1 to 6 am

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Eryck burden

Lvl 2
1y ago

6:30 pm to 12:45 am

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Q: What time does the tooth fairy come when you're asleep?
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What time does the tooth come at?

the tooth fairy comes out when you are asleep. :]

Does the tooth fairy come when you are asleep?


Tooth fairy land phone number and she will pick up?

she doesn't have a home phone or a cellphone, but if you lose a tooth she will come and get it, but only when you are asleep

Is there a tooth fairy in Italy?

Tooth fairies are wherever you want them to be. Tell your mum or dad that you want the tooth fairy to come and visit you when your tooth comes out. They know how the fairy knows when to come.

When does the movie The Tooth Fairy come out on DVD?

The Tooth Fairy comes out on April 13th.

Does the tooth fairy come for letters not just teeth?

It depends if you have the tooth or not.

Will the tooth fairy come if you have a baby molar?

yes probably, the tooth fairy comes every time usually....

You put your tooth on the side for the tooth fairy to come but in the morning your tooth was broken what does that mean?

It means your tooth wasn't good enough for the tooth fairy. That's hilrious!!!I love it!

Did tooth fairy come out yet?


Does a tooth fairy come to apartments?

they do not exist

Is there another way the tooth fairy can come?


Where did tooth fairy come from?

this might be hard to believe but the tooth fairy is not real. i found all my teeth in my moms dresser