Some people are trying to make a law to protect the wetlands, and they are also protesting against house construction there. By Oddity154: I think that some charities are also campaigning against it.
bending of railways
people who worked on the canals or for coaching companies lost their jobs as their work was taken over by the railways.
some people are for and some people are against it
they can be used for transpoting coal
The community's tensions against building this building have been building for quite some time.What is that that you are building, Bob?Elvis has left the building...Building can be a noun or a verb: See the related link listed below for more information.
we can not tell right know but there are people that are against immigration and some are not
A household is a group of people living together in some type of unit such as an apartment building or house.
Money. Usually from canal and toll road operators.
public according to some websites.. I am pretty sure. Since its in Railways.. I hope I helped and no offense but why do you care. i know taxi ranks situated outside railways are under the regulations of the local councils, but those inside are maintained and governed by the railways themselves as are the airport ranks
I would just go to your Internet browser and type in Canada railways. Or if you have some type of a textbook for school you could look in the index in the back! :)