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The Victorian Government should buy back the public transport network because its system is to slow.. Written by the government media's council 09 (C) The Victorian Government should buy back the public transport network because its system is to slow.. Written by the government media's council 09 (C) coz they should coz they should coz they should coz they should

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Q: Why should theVictorian government buy back the public transport network?
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Why should the Victorian government buy back the public transport network?

Because Connex's trains aren't good enough for the job.

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No, that is an issue for state concern.

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tax goes towards government spending on public services such as: healthcare, education, public transport etc...

What is the main transport in Melbourne?

Trams are the most visible public transport within the Melbourne CBD. Trains form the second most visible public transport system leading out to the suburbs. Cars and other road transport like busses also form a part of the transport network in Melbourne.

Should the Victorian government buy back the public transport network?

Yes, because Connex's trains just aren't good enough and there needs to be better systems in place than the ones that Connex have put into place

What is the government in charge of?

The state government is in charge of public transport, education, utilities, emergency services, planning and a lot more.

What are some state government services?

State Police and emergency services Schools public transport

What is the state government in charge of?

The state government is in charge of public transport, education, utilities, emergency services, planning and a lot more.

A report about public transport?


What is the difference between public and private transport?

Public transport are transports that are available to the general public and one can take the transport as long as they pay for it. Private transport is mostly owned by individuals. Some example of public transport can be buses and trains. Taking public transport can help to conserve the environment as less resources is consumed.

When was Director of Public Transport created?

Director of Public Transport was created in 1999.

When was Public Transport Council created?

Public Transport Council was created in 1987.