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It's not illegal unless the center line is solid. When the center has no line or dashed lines, then it is ok to pass.

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Q: Why is it illegal to drive on the left side of the road for passing purposes?
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When In Florida is it illegal to drive on the left side of the road for passing purposes?

You may not cross a double yellow line or drive to the left side of the roadway when approaching within 100 feet of an intersection or a railroad crossing.

In Virginia it is illegal to drive on the left side of the road for passing purposes when?

You may not cross a double yellow line or drive to the left side of the roadway when approaching within 100 feet of an intersection or a railroad crossing.

Why are no passing signs posted on the left side of the road?

There are. In countries that drive on the left, that is.

Is the left lane the passing lane?

That depends on which country you a driving in.

If you are in the left lane should you slow down if another driver is close behind you and wishes to drive faster?

Check your local laws; in some states it is illegal to drive in the left lane unless you are passing someone. Personally, if you are going the speed limit or above, I do not think it's necessary to get into the right lane; let the other person go around you.

When driving slower than the flow of traffic?

When you are in a country that drives on the right, then generally you should drive in the right lane; the left lane is for passing. When you are in a country that drives on the left, then generally you should drive in the left lane; the right hand lane is for passing only.

Can you legally drive in the left lane in Florida?

On a four lane road you may drive in the left lane if you are passing a car in the right lane or, if you are moving at the prevailing speed of other traffic in that lane.

Is it against the law to drive in the far left lane on the freeway?

some states it is against the law to drive in the left lane UNLESS you are passing. This is do to emergency vehicles using the left lane and being blocked by people not paying attention. You can get a ticket for driving in the left lane in some states. No , most cops dont give them, BUT if you impeed the passing of an ambulance do to it, and there is a cop around, look out.

When is it illegal to drive on the shoulder?

In Oregon, when it is unpaved, has a bike lane, and you are not trying to pass someone turning left.

Does the law require you drive in the right lane if no cars are in the left lane?

Yes, you must drive in the right lane if there are no vehicles in the right lane according to RSMo 304.015 charge code 4722705.0. The left lane is for passing only.

Which lane should a driver always chose?

The right lane is the lane to always drive in. The left lane is to be used for a passing lane.

When you are on a two lane highway you are allowed to drive on the left half of the roadway when?

Passing or to avoid an obstruction in the roadway, but it must be done safely.