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This is an optical illusion, your eyes fooling your brain. Just like those 70's psychedelic posters, black and white cubes spiraling in smaller looks and genuinely feels like your spinning. I use to be a rail commuter and if we were passing or being passed by another train, I would get so car sick it would ruin my morning.

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Q: Why feel that you are in motion when your train is in rest and other train passes?
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You are standing near a railroad track and a train is moving toward you at 60 mph and blowing its horn What will you notice as the train moves past you?

You will first notice the sound of the horn getting louder as the train approaches, then as it passes, you will feel a rush of wind and hear a loud noise as it speeds by. The train may also create vibrations in the ground as it passes.

Can a train appear to be at rest while moving?

Yes, a train can appear to be at rest when viewed from within the train itself, as there is no external frame of reference to gauge its motion. This is similar to how you may feel stationary while sitting on a train that is already moving, until you look out the window and see the surrounding landscape passing by.

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We don't feel the rotation of the Earth because we are moving along with it at the same speed. This constant speed prevents us from feeling the effects of the Earth's rotation. Additionally, our bodies have adapted to the Earth's rotation over millions of years, so we don't perceive the motion.

Is it true to say that a train in which you are travelling is in motion and also at rest?

No, it is not true to say that a train can be both in motion and at rest at the same time. An object is either in motion (moving) or at rest (not moving) relative to a reference point. If the train is moving along the tracks, it is in motion; if it has come to a stop, it is at rest.

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they feel motion

Is it possible that the train in which you are sitting appears to move while it is at rest?

Yes, it is possible for the train to appear to move while it is at rest if another train next to it starts moving, creating an illusion of motion. Additionally, if there are vibrations or movements in the surroundings that are transferred to the stationary train, it may also feel like it is moving.

There is a train which is moving on a straight track without any jerks or vibration. Everyone is asleep and you are awake.Doors and windows are closed. How do you know that the train is moving?

You wouldn't be able to tell. This is because you have no frame of reference to compare the motion to. You judge motion based on a point in space. If all the doors are closed, and all of the windows have shades pulled, the only points that you could compare to are ones that are moving at the same speed as you. Assuming that you feel no vibration, you couldn't tell if the train is stopped or moving. There are ways however to tell motion, just not visually. . If you have a GPS with you, you will realize that the position on the earth is changing.

Will Beth feel a tug on the rope at her end?

Yes, the wave will transfer the energy of Amy's motion to the other end of the rope

What is the use of motion?

Motion gaming is just another step in gaming to make you feel like you are really there. This also is significantly healthier for you than non-motion gaming. It is something new and has sparked ideas for other projects that could be the future of gaming.

Prove that rest and motion are relative terms?

Rest and motion are relative terms because an object can be considered at rest or in motion depending on the frame of reference. For example, a person on a moving train is at rest relative to the inside of the train but in motion relative to someone on the platform. Therefore, what is considered rest or motion depends on the observer's point of view.

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by a new one

What is the use of motion gaming?

Motion gaming is just another step in gaming to make you feel like you are really there. This also is significantly healthier for you than non-motion gaming. It is something new and has sparked ideas for other projects that could be the future of gaming.