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Q: Why do more people travel by road within the country than by air or train?
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How do people travel in the country in Russia?

Car,Train,Bus,Planes,Helicopters,Bikes and Carriges.

How would you travel in a different state in India?

You can travel to different parts of India by train, buses(your choice) and domestic flights.To travel within the country you can hire taxis, auto-rickshaw and rickshaw(a vehicle normally having 3 wheels).You can travel to different parts of India by train, buses and domestic flights.To travel within the country you can hire taxis, auto-rickshaw and rickshaw(a vehicle normally having 3 wheels).

What kind of transportation do people in israel use?

Most travel within Israel is accomplished by car, train, bus, taxi, shared taxi, bicycle, and foot. In some areas of the country, travel by camel and other beasts of burden can be found. Travel into and out of the country is by airline and ship.

How do people in Greenland travel?

Not by car or train.

What is the best way to travel to Spain?

the best way to travel to Spain is through a plane but to travel within Spain perhaps you should consider the train travel.

Can you travel by train from Honolulu to maui?

No, Honolulu is on Oahu, which is a different island than Maui. Besides, the islands do not have commercial train travel even within each island at this time.

How many maximum people can travel in train?


What do people do on a subway train?

Travel from place to place.

When did train travel end?

It hasn't ended. People are still traveling by train today.

Travel by train every day in mumbai 2009?

Yes a lot of people travel 100's of Km by train everyday

How did people travel in?

By 1890, most destinations within England could be reached by train. Short distances were covered either on foot or by horse-drawn carriages.

What do you agree it might have been like to travel with a wagon train to Oregon country?

it was not easy to travel in a conestoga wagon