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Because the Chinese wanted to help the Americans with their part of building it and get paid.

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Q: Why did Chinese build the CPR?
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If there had been no Chinese workers on the CPR would tehre be no CPR?

I think there would still have been a CPR but it would have taken many more years to build since there were no Chinese who were willing to do hard dangerous work for less than half of what canadains were being paid.

Which project did Chinese immigrants work on?

in Canada many Chinese people helped build the Canadian pacific railway after confederation (CPR ) if you look up who built the railway you will find that most Chinese people helped build it

Why did they build the CPR?

it was made to cross the trains.

How long did it take to build the CPR?

49 years

Who was the leader of CPR?

Donald A Smith, helped to build the Canada Pacific Railway.William C van Horne started his career as superindent and at 28 he became the General Superindent of the railway. George Stephen also helped to build the CPR. He signed a contract with CPR in 1880 and he was the first ever President of CPR till 1888.

Who were the builders of the CPR railway?

There is a very very old saying that is mostly true About the construction of the CPR. Paid for by the English Managed by the Scots Built by the Irish and Chinese

How did the CPR employment practices discriminate against the Chinese workers?

this piece of sh!t is useless

How much money did the Chinese make when they worked on the CPR?

They made $1.35, but the whites made $2.00.

How much did the CPR cost to build?

in the range of modern money (cdn) $625 milllion

How the great wall was build?

It was build by Chinese slaves!

What was the impact of the Red River and the Northwest rebellion to the completion of CPR?

If it had not been for theses Rebellions the CPR would not have been made. You see Mc' Donald told the government that war was starting in the north. He said the CPR had to be build to get the troops there faster. Of course, they fell for it and the CPR was made! But there was no was it was the Metis people defending them selves from the Canadians.

What were the conditions for the Chinese workers on the CPR?

bad the got paid about 50cents a day and were typically used to carry the explosives