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a transit tourist is a tourist who is on a double ,triple flight and they have to stop in a country for a few minutes or hours

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Q: Who is a transit tourist?
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What is a transit tourist?

transit tourist are people stopping over in a country on their way to a another destination

Define Transit tourist?

A tourist passing over a destination while going to the next

What is the full meannig of a transit tourist?

transit tourists are those who visit another country on another destination

What are tourist types?

There are four basic types of tourist: stop over cruise tourist day tourist transit toust stop over tourist are tourist that stay for more than one night. They use accommidations and transportation.They are the most important tourist in terms of expenditure for most countries. == ==

What are three groups of tourists that visit the Bahamas?

Stopover tourist: which are typically in-transit tourist, or cruise ship visitors 2nd home tourist: individuals that own or rent a second home in the Bahamas extended stay tourist: guest who rent a hotel room, or lodging for several days at a time

Do you need a tourist visa to travel within Australia while on a transit visa?

Yes you will need a visa to leave the airport.

I am Filipino working 1 year in Saudi. What are the visa requirements going to Dubai for tourist visa and how much it will cost.?

Visit visa required. two type of visas available Transit 14 days and tourist 1 month, transit will cost you around 450 AED and Tourist will cost you around 750AED to 800 AED, only passport copy front page and employment visa stamp page with 2 photographs. and you are done....

When do most tourist come to Antarctica?

All tourists arrive on the Antarctic continent and its sub-islands by boat. Only expeditions that pay for air transit fly to the continent.

If you already have Schengen tourist visa do you still need to get a transit visa to have your connecting flight in Munich and Amsterdam?

hallo, no you don't. your flight is within the Schengen zone, so your visa is enough for the flight.

What are different elements of tourism and their definition?

1. Departing Travellers - 2. Traveller Generating Region- 3. Transit Route Region- 4. Tourist Destination Region- 5. Returning Travelers-

When was Transit Transit created?

Transit Transit was created on 2010-08-03.

What time of the year do tourist go to Antarctica?

December and January are the months during which it's easiest for the cruise ships to sail Antarctic waters. Cruise ships are the primary transit to the continent for tourism.