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Richard Trevithick (13 April 1771 - 22 April 1833) a British inventor, built the first full-scale working railway Steam Locomotive. On 21 February 1804 the world's first railway journey took place as Trevithick's unnamed steam locomotive hauled a train along the tramway of the Pennydarren ironworks, near Merthyr Tydvil in Wales, Great Britain. George Stephenson (9 June 1781 - 12 August 1848) a British civil engineer and mechanical engineer who built the first public railway line in the world to use steam locomotives and is known as the "Father of Railways" Trevithick invented the first train, Stephenson the first public railway line. **Early prototypes of Locomotive were built such as Scottish Inventor William Murdoch 1784. Most people are taught to believe that the first locomotive was designed and built by Richard Trevithick in 1804. However, they would be wrong. The real inventor who built the first working steam locomotive was in fact, John Fitch in 1794.

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