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Q: Which city is called city of water city of bridges?
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Why did the Greeks use arch bridges?

because they wanted to keep the water from flooding their city and break the bridges

What Italian city is called 'the land of water'?

Venice is that Italian city that is called "the land of water." The northeast Italian city owes its existence to a network of bridges and canals whose construction is necessitated by the expansion of the city, called Venezia in Italian, over 117 islands in a marshy lagoon. The pronunciation will be "vey-NEY-tsya" in Pisan Italian.

What is the nickname for Venice?

La Dominante, Serenissima, Queen of the Adriatic, City of Water, City of Masks, City of Bridges, The Floating City and City of Canals

Mexico's roads over water are called?

You mean bridges? Those would be called puentes.

What are some physical characteristics of Venice?

For all practical purposes the Italian city of Venice is built on water. With this in mind, traveling about is often done on boats called gondolas. In addition to the prevalence of water & water ways, there are many bridges in Venice to span the water ways.

When was Valley City Eagle Bridges created?

Valley City Eagle Bridges was created in 1988.

In what Italian city might a visitor find over 400 bridges over water?

Venice, Italy

What water is the Brooklyn Bridge built over?

New York City has several bridges; none of them is called "the New York City Bridge." Some of the bridges serving New York City span the Hudson river, some the East River and some go over the Arthur Kill and the Verrazano Narrows, which are part sof the Port of New York.

How do you find bridges in Sapphire?

There are bridges at Fortree City I think. Because there is bridges that lead you to Treehouses.

Is their a book called Ruby Bridges?

yes there is a book called the story of ruby bridges. google "ruby bridges"

What are big bridges called?

large bridges.

Which city in the modern world is built on water?

Venice is a modern world city that is built on the water. Venice is a city in Italy is made up of 118 islands and connected by bridges. The current mayor of Venice is Giorgio Orson.