Katrina Oost's birth name is Katrina Marie Oost.
The population of Oost-Cappel is 391.
Oost-Graftdijk's population is 290.
Rotterdam-Oost's population is 112,325.
The population of Oost-Vlieland is 1,150.
Oost-Maarland's population is 950.
Katrina Oost is 5' 1".
Katrina Oost goes by Kitty.
The area of Oost-Cappel is 3,990,000.0 square meters.
Jason Oost was born on 1982-10-10.
Oost-Indisch Huis was created in 1606.
The area of Oost-Souburg is 3,350,000.0 square meters.