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It is part of the restored Future, 50 years from today. When you have recovered all the items (the time device is all GREEN), go to the Lab and use the Future Machine again. This time you will find a better future. Go to the right and take the air-lift to the monorail station.

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Q: Where is the monorail stop on time tangled island?
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How do you get to the top to get your prize on Time Tangled Island?

Take the pneumatic lift at right, which goes to the monorail station. Use the monorail exhaust to lift you into the air, to the next monorail, and then up again. Look for the hoverlift floating just above the monorail.

How do you get to the highest tower in the future on Time Tangled Island?

Walk/ swim to the right and take the monorail. The exhaust will lift you into the air to reach the second monorail, and eventually the Sky Tower elevator pad.

What do you need to do in 2060 AD on time tangled island?

You are just there to get your Island Medallion. Walk (and swim) right to the lift tube, then take the monorail. The monorail exhaust will lift you to the second train above, and then to the floating elevator platform to your "sky home" (upper left). There you meet your future self and get the Medallion.

Where in the is the oracle on Time tangled Island?

The oracle is in the building on the hill on Time Tangled Island.

Where is the winged horse on Time tangled island?

There are no horses, winged or otherwise, on Time Tangled Island.

Where is all the stuff on time tangled island?

There are no more secret items on time tangled island, but if you are talking about winning the whole island, go onto youtube and type 'poptopica time tangled island.'

Is there a guy from time tangled island on shark tooth island?

There were characters from Time Tangled Island on several islands during the promotional period for the island. When Time Tangled was released (2008), the characters were removed.

When did Time Tangled Island come out on Poptropica?

Time Tangled Island, the third island of Poptropica, was released in July 2008.

Where is the telephone on time tangled island?

There isn't a phone on Poptropica's Time Tangled Island. There is a cell phone on Nabooti Island.

What year was time tangled island on poptropica?

Time Tangled Island was the 3rd island in Poptropica and debuted in 2007, and was originally called Time Twisted Island.

What do you do after beating time tangled island?

go to the future. Go up the blue tube, then go to the monorail. Go from that monorail to another higher one. Go up to another platform. Jump on the hovering platform, and go up. Go in the tube, and meet your future self. He will give you the medalion!

What happens after you beat time tangled island?

There are many other islands to play, as opposed to the 3 or 4 they had on Poptropica when Time Tangled was released in early 2008.How do you finish?After you have returned all the items to their own times, all the places on the time device will be GREEN. Use the LAB setting to return to the present, and the Future device to bring you to the restored future time.To get to your Sky Home, go right (and swim) until you reach the air tube. Go up to the monorail and get aboard. Use the monorail exhaust to lift you out of the car and onto the other monorail car. When you reach the lift platform, take it up to the roof home. That is where you get your Island Medallion.