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bikes, scooters, skateboards

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Q: What type of transportation was used for short distances?
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What type of transportation was only used for short distances?


What type of transportation was used over short distances?

Horse Cars

What type of transportation was only over short distances?

There are several types of transportation that were only used over short distances. This includes a cart, a horse and buggy, and walking by foot.

What type of transportation was only used over short distances?

Drayage is the transport of goods over a short distance.

What transportation was used only over short distances?

Horse cars

What type of transportion was only used over short?

There are several types of transportation that were only used over short distances. This includes a cart, a horse and buggy, and walking by foot.

What is the most used method in transportation?

cars if the road is short and planes if you are going long distances

Are cars or bikes effective for transportation?

Both vehicles and bicycles are indeed effective for transportation. Cars are necessary for traveling many distances. Bikes are effective too, however they are more commonly used for short distances.

What type of transportation was only used short distance?

Horsecars (apex)

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What type of transportation was only used over short ditance apex?


What type of transportation was only used over a short distance?

Drayage is the transport of goods over a short distance.