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Diesel or electricity.

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Q: What powers modern trains?
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What is the difference in old trains and modern ones?

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Types of modern freight trains?

What are three types of modern freight trains?

What powers trains?

Diesel or electricity.

Three types of modern freight trains?

Unit Trains, Mixed Freight Trains, Intermodal Trains

What is the difference between olden day trains and modern day trains?

transport difference in olden age & modern age

What controls the trains speed?

Older trains if they were steam depended on how hot the fire was and modern day trains have electronic devices

What are the 3 types of modern freight trains?

Hows it going bros, my name is Pewdiepie, the three modern freight trains are Bro train, subway train and old trains Sincerely, Pewdiepie Felix

Do trains run on electricity or fuel?

Railroad trains have - and continue to - run on any of three powers: Coal (steam), diesel fuel, and electricity.

What were steam engine trains used for?

The same things modern trains are used for: hauling cargo and people.

Does trains need petrol?

Modern trains are powered by diesel or electricity. There are still some coal powered steam trains in service, mainly on tourist lines.

Are steam trains more environment friendly then modern day trains?

For the speed attained and the people that can be moved, no, old trains are highly inefficient in terms of impact on the environment.

Name three types of modern freight train?

Freight trains have been around for a long time, but the modern trains we have today can do much more. Unfortanutly, I do not have the answer, but good luck on your report.