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Really it depends on injuries sustained.

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Q: What is the average settlement for a pedestrian hit by a car?
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What is the average insurance settlement after being hit by a car as a pedestrian?


What is the average insurance payout for a pedestrian hit by a car in a public fuel station?

I hope a a lot goes it sure don't feel good!!

Who is at fault when a car hits a pedestrian in a parking lot?

that person who hit you

If a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle are they automatically entitled to a settlement?

No; if they deliberately threw themselves in its path, for example in order to get such a setllement, then they will not receive anything.

What are the odds of being killed in a car accident if you are a pedestrian walking down the street?

The odds of being killed in a car accident as a pedestrian depend on various factors such as location, traffic conditions, and pedestrian safety measures. Generally, the odds are relatively low, but it's essential to practice caution and follow pedestrian safety rules to reduce the risk of accidents.

How much can you sue for if you were hit by car as pedestrian?

Any amount you want. Doesn't mean you will get it.

Can you be liable if someone was driving your car and he hit a pedestrian walking out of a crosswalk?

It was your car so your insurance will have to pay. Never loan a car out to someone who is not on your insurance policy.

You hit someone walking with your car and had no insurance but now you do?

If you did not have an active policy when you hit the person then you are not covered. The pedestrian can sue you for personal injury and it will come out of your pocket.

Can you get in trouble for almost hitting a pedestrian who jumped out the way and hit your car with his walking stick while trying to make a right turn?

Yes, you can get into trouble for almost hitting a pedestrian who jumped out of the way and hit your car with his walking stick when he did not get it out of the way. Pedestrians alwayshave the right of way. You failed to yield right of way. You get a ticket. You could face a lawsuit because you scared a pedestrian. Now, watch where you are going.

Will i receive a settlement a car hit me while i was riding my bike?

It all depends on if you were doing the right thing at the time you were hit or if the driver of the car was doing the wrong thing at the time you were hit.

Why is a car traveling at 40mph much more likely to kill a pedestrian as a car traveling at 30mph?

A car travelling at 40mph will have a lot more momentum than one travelling at 30mph, so there would be more force for it to hit the pedestrian with; it will also take much longer to come to a halt.

Can you be sued if a pedestrian hit the passenger side of your car?

If you hit someone, you need to stay around until the police arrive. A determination needs to be made as to whether the pedestrian was in a crosswalk or other legal place when they were hit. You should speak only to the police, but certainly call for emergency help at the time of the event. Yes. You'll need to know who the pedestrian is, and a police report of the incident would help.