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Q: What is the American name for an underground railway?
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What is the American name for a underground railway?


What is the American name for an underground railway system?


How many feet underground was the Underground railway?

The underground railway was NOT underground. It was a trail leading the black to safety.

What was the name of the secret passage to get slaves from the south to Canada?

"The Underground Railway"

How do you make a sentence with the word underground railway?

I am between stations of the Underground Railway.

What are the rails and the engines of the underground railway?

the rails and engines accourding to Julilly from underground to canada by barbara smucker is the underground railroad or railway.

Who ran the underground railway?

Mr Levi Coffin ran the underground railway (well he was the main one)

What does le metropolitain mean?

It's the name of the Underground Railway in Paris. Usually we call it the Métro.

Where is the world's oldest underground railway?

London's Metropolitan line is the oldest underground railway in the world, dating from 1863

When did Harry Beck invent the underground railway?

Created in 1931 Harry Beck invented the iconic London Underground (tube) map in 1931 - not the underground railway.

What is the name of the American national railway system?


What war was Harriet Tubman in?

She wasn't exactly in the war, but she was involved in the underground railway before and during the American Civil War.