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they made a long line of people and played leap frog until they got to their destinstion, played the line of spankers, went to dealers to buy a car, shopped on amazon and craiglist

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Q: What did the Cahuilla Indians use to travel?
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Related questions

How did cahuilla Indians travel?

They walked by foot.

How did the Cahuilla Indians use clubs for tools?

The cahuilla Indians used old dinosaur bones and hard boogers for clubs

Did the Cahuilla Indians use hieroglyphics?

No, The Chumash Indians had no written language.

What are cahuilla Indians enemies?

The Mohave are the traditional enemies of the Cahuilla Indians. These are among the native Americans who lived in around the 1850s.

Who did the Cahuilla Indians traded with?

The gabrielino

What did Cahuilla Indians traded?


How did the Cahuilla Indians get their name?

The name "Cahuilla" comes from the word for "master" in the Ivia language, also known as Cahuilla. Their name for themselves in Iviatim.

Did the Cahuilla Indians have a system of government?

They didn't

How did cahuilla Indians get their food?

By killing animals

What region did cahuilla Indians live?


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Who did the Mojave Indians trade with?

The cahuilla and the chumash