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The Aztecs largely travelled on foot. Loads were carried using tumplines. Some privileged elites were carried about on litters.

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Q: What did the Aztecs use for travel?
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What did Aztecs use to travel?

they traveled by feet

What kind of transportation did the aztecs have?

One of the main types of transportation the Aztecs used was walking. They also had canoes that they would use, and moveable bridges that helped them to travel.

Did the ancient Aztecs travel by foot?

That is correct, the ancient Aztecs traveled by foot.

How did the Aztecs travel in the earlier times?

By foot.

Where did the aztecs travel?

they traveled to the third mesa

How did the Aztecs travel?

by foot but the mayans used boats somtimes

What did the Aztecs use to get around?

To get around the Aztecs used boats an walked

What writing style did the Aztecs use?

The AZTECS wrote dots for their numbers

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What rules did the Aztecs use to play games?

The Aztecs had rules like we have today .

What did Aztecs use as money?

Aztecs used cocoa beans as money regularly

What kind of communication did the Aztecs use?

The Aztecs spoke a language called Nahuatl.