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Q: If you walked from the railway station to mt Erin how many metres would you have climbed?
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Pterodactylus primarily traveled by flying. It would have occasionally walked on all fours or even climbed in trees.

Words instead of went?

There are sailed, drove, rode, ran, walked, jogged, flew, rushed, stormed and climbed.

When You walked 1.5 kilometers on the treadmill. How many meters did you walk?

There are 1,000 metres in a kilometre.Therefore, in 1.5 kilometres, there are 1,500 metres.

What was the name of the mountain Moses walked to get the tablets?

The name of the mountain that Moses climbed to receive the ten commandments is called Mount Sinai.

How use wistfully in a sentence?

He walked wistfully away from the train as it pulled out of the station.

What is the slang term for firmament?

Up There- Blue Sky, Heavens above ( the last accurate and not slang) I assume you mean firmament as a synonym for Heaven, and not some business establishment. If somebody is dying or in bad health I have heard- So and so has One Foot in the White Room, which means the Morgue- and the locus of the (Cream) song by that name. in the song it was a temporary storage room ( for stiffs) at a railway station. ( I walked into, such a sad time, at the station).

What is a sentence using the word staffs?

Employment agency staffs many companies.The shepherds went up the mountain holding their staffs to help stand as they walked and climbed.

Candice walked 2 kilometers in 1 hour How long did it take her to walk 500 meters?

2 kilometres is equal to 2000 metres. Therefore, 500 metres is one quarter of 2 kilometres. Therefore, it would take her 15 minutes to walk 500 metres.

What is the world's most walked intersection?

Outside Shinjuku train station in Tokyo. I believe

The shop is 0.5 km away you have walked 280 meters already How far do you have left to go?

0.5 kilometres is equal to 500 metres. 500 - 280 = 220. Therefore, you have 220 metres left to travel.

What does the ending word ed mean in past tense?

Generally, many verbs will add "ed" to the ending to symbolize that it is the past tense. Example: Walked, Jumped, Hugged, Climbed, Played.