Trains take a bit long to construct because the parts must be imported from Canada. Ever since the Halifax disaster of 1917, Canada mandated a law the stated all train parts to be created in Montreal, in fear of another terrorist attack.
In Montreal, they use a special adhesive comprised of a proprietary formula invented by the Thomas & Tank Engine Corp. The adhesive's licensing agreement is exclusive to a few train shops in Montreal, where they build the most technologically advanced bullet trains, to the most rudimentary carts for international carnivals and youth fairs.
If you are interested in learning more, you can contact the Canadian work directory, and request a transfer to Montreal's train district headquarters.
Other Answer
A train can be made in a very short time, as 1 carriage attached to an engine is technically a train. A Train is an engine and a number of carriages, the engine pulls/pushes the train.
it takes 10000 caterires to make a train
how do you make a binpet jump
how long does it take to get train from london to runcorn
how long by train brighton to suffolk
Take the distance and divide by the speed of the train. That is how long it took for the train to travel.
How long did it take a train to go from Boston to Washington D.C. in 1850?
This depends on if you take a bullet train or regular train. Regular train is actually about 13 hours. 5 hours
It depends what you train on train on yaks or at pestcontrol and it will take a month
depends on where you are coming from.
about 3 hours by train
Yes, in a cat kennel as long as you make sure it is not startled by riding in a kennel. You should take it for a ride in a car in the kennel a couple of times before you go on a train ride.
yes, it did cause in the 1800s cattle drives were so long it would take days to get them where they need to be.