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If your not a professional your not supposed to move a injured person because he or she could get severely injured or worse. But the best thing to do is put the person on a hard surface and keep their neck and back as straight as you can

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Q: How do you move a victim that may have a head neck or back injury?
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What should you do if a person suffers an injury in which a piece of metal appears to be protruding from the side of the victim's head?

Call 911, do not move the victim, do bot try to pull the metal out, and do not shake the victim in a an attempt to awaken him or her.

How should you transport back injuries?

If they have a back/spinal injury, do not try to move the victim because it may cause paralysis. If you must move them, only use a backboard or leave it to professionals.

What constitutes torture?

Inflicting pain, injury or psychological injury while the victim is restrained or otherwise unable to move.

How do you transport a person with a back injury?

You should NEVER transport somebody with a spinal injury unless you are a professional or the victim is in immediate danger. This is because anymovementto the spinal chord may causeparalysis.If transportation isabsolutelynecessary, one person must support the head so it does not move. Other people must gently lift the stretcher and move it.

When is the only time you should move a victim?

When the victim is in danger of further injury or death from immediate hazards such as fire, explosion or building collapse.

You've decided to perform the jaw thrust technique on the victim of a roadside bombing because you want to maintain an open airway while minimizing movement for a suspected head neck spinal injury?

Are you asking how to perform it? If so you kneel behind the head of the person. Place your fingers at the back of the jaw and lift the jaw upwards so that you do not move the victims head or neck.

What is the best position for a victim with neck or spine injuries?

The beast thing to do is to not move them, but if you have to, on there back. If neck injury then Support on both sides but Do NOT re-position head. That will make it worse. Spinal injuries should not be re-positioned. Leave them be and wait for professional care. If you need to move the body EXTREME caution should be used. Support injured area in same position as found and slowly move on sretchercher like object keeping injury supported at all times.

IF There may be a neck injury The injuries are not life-threatening the scene is safe and help is on the way You should not?

do not move the victim.

How do you move a victim who cannot walk and has no suspected head neak or back injuries?

You can move them with yourself and another person grabbing the injured person's legs and back, having them put their arms around you and the other person's shoulders; it will almost be like a chair position.

How should you care for person with possible head neck or back injury?

Maintain cervical-spine position. Sit on your knees behind the person's head, and with your elbows either on the ground or on your knees, firmly hold the person's head so it cannot move.

How do you save a spinal injury drowning victim?

When trying to save a spinal injury drowning victim, you must first make sure that the person can breathe. Once you know the person is breathing, try to move the person's neck and spine as little as possible to prevent further damage to the spine.

What could cause your head to hurt and get worse when you move almost every night?

An injury or illness.