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Locomotive work by steam engines.

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Related questions

What is a Word meaning many locomotives?


Where do you keep locomotives?

You keep locomotives in a shed

When was Las Vegas Locomotives created?

Las Vegas Locomotives was created in 2009.

What are the small electric locomotives on the canal used for.?

The locomotives, (Electric Mules) are used to pull ships through the locks of the canal. Also due to the very close fit of the largest ships (like the panamax tankers), the locomotives work together to maintain ship position within the width of the locks. sometimes there are only inches to spare on each side.

When was Sibiu Steam Locomotives Museum created?

Sibiu Steam Locomotives Museum was created in 1994.

How fast were the first locomotives?

The first locomotives to haul pasengers could go about 20 mph.

What are locomotives used for?

locomotives are used to propell railcars. They can be in a push or pull mode. Locomotives are generlly diesel or diesel electric. If a locomotive starts to lose its propullsion power it will require maintenance.

Which human body systems work directly together to allow locomotives?


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What has the author Lionel Wiener written?

Lionel Wiener has written: 'Articulated locomotives' -- subject(s): Articulated Locomotives

Where can one find information on locomotives?

Wikipedia has a good article on locomotives, including links to other sources. For information on the engineering aspects of locomotives, educational sites like HowStuffWorks offer informative articles and videos.

Where were locomotives invented?

in great britain