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They got around by wagons an horses.

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Q: How did people travel 200 years ago?
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People studied stars 200 years ago primarily through the use of telescopes equipped with lenses and mirrors to observe and analyze the positions, movements, and characteristics of stars. They also relied on manual calculations and observations to track the movements of stars in the night sky over time. Astronomy was a combination of observation, mathematics, and theory to understand the nature of stars.

Until about 200 years ago most people thought sponges were what?

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What did people think sponges were 200 years ago?

200 years ago, people believed that sponges were plants rather than animals. This misconception was due to their appearance and the fact that they are sessile (immobile) creatures that often resemble underwater vegetation. It wasn't until the 19th century that scientists discovered the true nature of sponges as simple animals.


200 years ago

Name of movie with people living underground for 200 years kids movie 2 years ago?

City of Ember.

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200 years ago

Who were Idaho's original inhabitants?

About 8,000 Native Americans' lived in Idaho. These people can possibly be extinct early inhabitants was about 8,000 to 14,000 years ago!!! The mid inhabitants was about 200 to 8,000 years ago, and the lat inhabitants is about 200 to 260 years ago! So...tell me if this answer helped you!!! Thanks :)

How many years ago was December 10 1817?

In 2017 it is 200 years ago.