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Q: Do trains pollute more that cars?
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Related questions

How often do you pollute the air every minute?

You can pollute the air from boats, planes, trains and also cars. All give off exhaust which people breath in and then can be diagnosed with major sicknesses/illnesses.

How are cars harmful?

cars pollute the earth

Do electric cars pollute?

No. The electric cars don't pollute air, because noxious gas doesn't get out of the tupe and in such way doesn't pollute air.

How can you pollute land?

You can pollute the land by littering and using gas in cars. I suggest you don't pollute.

How much do the trains polute?

In old and gold times, you had the trains that ran on steam engines. They used to pollute a lot, when coal was burned. But then the number of trains were very less and pollution was not a great problem. Now every body is running after material things. People travel a lot and the number of trains has increased to high level. Diesel trains pollute the air to fairly large extent. Trains running on electricity do not pollute the air directly. But then the air is already polluted when the electricity was generated.

Which is more environmentally friendly trains or cars?

While trains give off more emissions than cars, they are actually more environmentally friendly than cars. This is because the train can carry very large groups of people, lowering the amount of vehicles are on the road.

How do cars affect health and polution?

Cars pollute the air.

What is better cars or trains?

Trains by a mile

How many cars are there in the U.S. that pollute?


Do cars pollute the air when driving?


What cars can do to the environment?

Pollute the environment :L

How do trains carry cars?

Trains carry automobiles in special cars designed to haul them. The cars are referred to as auto racks.