Yes you can! Using the EuRail railway, you can travel throughout Europe for quite low prices. Check their website at for more information on all the difference EuRail Passes available!
You can do it by train in about 5h45 (dep. Naples 1500, change at Bari and Altamura).
The ruins of the city Pompeii are in Italy near Naples.
The travel time by train from Germany to Italy varies depending on the specific cities, routes, and train services. On average, it can take anywhere from 8 to 15 hours to travel between major cities like Munich and Milan or Berlin and Rome. It is recommended to check with the train operator for the most up-to-date and accurate travel times.
how long does the train take from venice to genoa
Yes. People could cross from West Berlin to West Germany.
Yes it is. The fast train in Germany is called ICE and it will take about 4:30 hours from Berlin to Frankfurt (Main) If you want to go to Frankfurt (Oder) there is no fast train going to.
The train needed 6 hours to get to Munich.
about 200
A conservative time is 5.5 hours (for 575 km, mostly on autobahn).
Rome to Naples in Italy is a journey of about 140 miles or 230 kilometres. That is far too long to take a taxi. It would be far cheaper to travel by bus or train.
no there arent. the best way to reach Venice from capri is getting a ferry to naples and from there take a train to Venezia Santa Lucia station
The train between Berlin Germany and Brest Belarus runs one every hour. For the local, it may stop every other 15 minutes.