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He may be smelling your hormonal flow, It is different when you are on your period & odds are that he doesn't even know it. That's the way we are made, other animals often use hormonal signals to excite the males to action.

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8mo ago

Hormonal changes during menstruation can lead to increased emotional connectivity and bonding between partners. Your boyfriend may be showing more affection to provide comfort and support during a time when you may be feeling more vulnerable or in need of extra care.

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Q: Why does my boyfriend becomes more affectionate when I'm on my period?
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Why do I keep dreaming about my boyfriend's ex girlfriend?

Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts and feelings. Your dreams about your boyfriend's ex girlfriend could be a manifestation of your insecurities or concerns about your relationship. It might be helpful to openly communicate with your boyfriend about these feelings to gain clarity and reassurance.

What can you do when your boyfriend threatens to hurt himself?

It is important to take any threat of self-harm seriously. Encourage your boyfriend to seek help from a mental health professional or a crisis hotline. Offer support and let him know that you care about his well-being. If the situation becomes urgent, do not hesitate to contact emergency services for assistance.

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The development of writing is considered to mark the end of the prehistoric period and the beginning of the historic period. Writing allowed for records of events and communication over time, leading to a more organized and structured society.

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Self-image becomes more important after adolescence as individuals become more independent and start making decisions about their careers, relationships, and personal goals. A positive self-image can impact their confidence, self-esteem, and ability to navigate life challenges. Negative self-image can lead to self-doubt, insecurity, and hinder personal growth.

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During adolescence, cognitive development is marked by gains in reasoning, problem-solving skills, and abstract thinking. Peer influence becomes more prominent during this period, impacting decision-making and identity formation. Increased cognitive abilities also allow adolescents to explore and contemplate complex moral and ethical issues.

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