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Seeing others do things we want to do can trigger a sense of envy or longing, leading to emotional reactions like crying. It could also be a sign of frustration or feeling trapped in our current situation, creating a release of pent-up emotions. Understanding our own desires and working towards achieving them can help manage these emotional responses.

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Q: Why do you cry when you see people doing things you want to do?
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How do you prevent crying at a graduation?

To prevent crying at a graduation, try focusing on positive thoughts, deep breathing, or distracting yourself with joyful memories. You can also bring a tissue or handkerchief to discreetly wipe away tears if they start to flow. Remember that it's okay to show emotion at a meaningful event like a graduation.

What is an emotion that people often use to protect themselves?

Pretty sure it's anger.But another thing you can do if your in a tough spot and don't want people to know what your think just act emotionless. Keep your face straight like a blank piece of paper. If some one tells you something to make you cry imagine your wife/husband, kids, boyfriend/girlfriend, pets, good grades, just find that happy subject. And if they try to make you smile think of bad things. Like famine, drought, disease, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires. But that's just kind of random lol.Really what you need to do is just be your self. If you want to laugh, laugh. If you want to cry, cry. Smile, sob, scream, roll around on the ground. Don't hide yourself away. If you want people to like you then they need to like you for who you are. Not for you acting like some one else. After all... God made you an original, why die a copy?

What is the hue and cry?

The hue and cry was a medieval English law enforcement practice where citizens were expected to raise an alarm by shouting and chasing a criminal who had committed a crime. This system relied on community cooperation to quickly capture offenders and maintain public safety.

Why do people cry over spilled milk?

The saying "don't cry over spilled milk" means not to get upset over minor or insignificant things. People may cry over spilled milk as a metaphor for getting upset over something small or inconsequential, emphasizing the importance of not letting trivial matters affect one's emotions.

Do 6 year old kids cry?

Yes, 6-year-old kids can cry just like people of any age. Crying is a natural and healthy way for children to express their emotions and feelings.

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Why do people cry when they see sad things?

they cry because they are very sentimental

When a baby starts to cry what are they crying about?

and they just want to cry and that they want they ass bust that home boy want a blunt.. They cry probably because they want something like to be changed,fed,or attention from someone or maybe they dropped something and want you to get it for them there are a lot of things a baby could be crying about but those are the main things.

What is the fear of seeing other people cry?

Anxiety, probably related to childhood experiences.

What does it mean when you can't cry?

Not crying doesnt mean anything. Eveybody shows emotions diferently. Some people cry, some people yell, and some people want to cry but just can't.

Anyone want to play cry of fear or fist full of frags?

There are a number of people who want to play cry of fear or fist full of frags with you.

Does Justin Bieber want his fans to cry?

No, Justin never wants to see people cry especially not his fans

Why do teenagers cry at school to get attention?

Because they want people to care.

Why did he cry when we considered breaking up?

Because he didnt want to break up with you or he was confused about how he felt Who was doing the considering?

What to do when your really mad and want to cry but you don't want to cry?

A: cry. its good for u

When was I'll Cry If I Want To created?

I'll Cry If I Want To was created in 1963.

What would make a 3 year old child cry when she has to go home?

There are a few things that might make a three year old cry when she is going home. If she has to leave the people she wants to play with, she might begin crying because she doesn't want to go home.

What does Yo no quiero llorar meanin english?

Translation: I don't want to cry anymore.