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First of all, it isn't just the guys. Women can have affairs and tell lies as well.

Infidelity is often caused by feelings of insecurity. The person may feel they need something outside of themselves to pump them up. Normally, they would turn to their spouse or partner, but perhaps they feel this person is unavailable. Maybe the partner is pregnant or going through something, or they perceive that the person is not too affectionate or has too many strings and conditions. He may question his own masculinity because of something that didn't go his way, so he may have an affair or hire a professional sex worker just to have someone make him feel special and make him forget about what is threatening his ego.

On lying, here are some guesses. Guys tend to have more of a need for autonomy, space, and independence, so when a partner is involved, lies help give them more independence. If the girlfriend gets too close or he feels smothered, he may turn to another who isn't as demanding and suffocating. Then he may lie about the encounter. He may lie in other areas too just to keep from being nagged, which he perceives as attempts to control him.

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8mo ago

People of any gender may lie for various reasons, such as fear of consequences, desire to protect themselves or others, or to avoid conflict. It is important to communicate openly and honestly in any relationship to maintain trust and understanding.

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14y ago

? it depends on the guy, wheather the guy has something to hide or not.
because everyone lies.

especially if the guy thinks it is about something trivial in his eyes.

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Q: Why do guys lie?
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they lie because they don't no what to do., most guys are really stupid and don't care about what the girls think. Just forget about his troubles and move on

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They think it's funny. But it's NOT!!!!

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Most guys lie because they're not very confident and feel like you'd be more interested in an altered version of themselves.Some of them lie to you because they think it's what relationships are built on, these are people who usually lie to everyone, they tend to also have very short relationships.Some guys also lie because they have things to hide, yes, cheating and the like, but equally they might make up reasons to not have to talk about something personal or something they're embarrassed about.Some guys lie for attention.(By the way, girls are as likely to do all of the above as boys are)The bottom line is that people lie for many different reasons.

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because they think that if they tell other guys they did, it will make them more popular. this really ONLY works with guys. a girl can'tand shouldn't lie about that. that makes their rep go down and... u get the picture.

How do you get 999 masterballs on Pokemon Pearl?

You can get 999 masterballs at the pokemart for $1,000,000 THAT is a lie. No, you cannot. no lie guys first you need to complete the national pokedex

Why do guys think it's okay to break up with you for their ex then lie to you about it on the same night?

because guys are stupid and mean you should never trust them

How do you get past feelings of attraction when you discover the person lied about being in a relationship with someone else?

Cute guys make you crazy, hot guys make you drool, cool guys make you daydream. But funny guys make you fall in love without ever knowing it Answer I don't know what motivates someone to lie about being in a relationship but I know people who have done it. I would never lie about being in a relationship to someone. If you meet someone you are interested in you should be honest and not start things out with a lie.

Why do guys lie when things are true is it because he is imbarriest?

yes expesially when his friends say that it is small!