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Reason why because of certain materials that seems harmful on their skin. Clothes that have scratchy or itchy material. Shoes can be a bother also (even shoes with laces, dress shoes). Socks with seams can hurt their toes and even the tags in the back of a shirt can feel irritable. Tight pants because most autistic people are sensitive to their stomach area. Certain lingerie can be overwhelming as well. Even when you wear your clothes when you're body feels a little wet after taking a shower/bath, it might still feel irritable. Even though they don't harm normal people. It's not like "they might complain about it for a couple minutes then get use to it." We have sensory issues and no one can change that by forcing us to get use to things that irritate our skin.

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Some autistic individuals may have sensory sensitivities that make certain clothing textures, materials, tags, or seams feel uncomfortable or even painful on their skin. The sensory processing differences in autism can lead to a heightened awareness of certain stimuli like clothing, making them more prone to feeling discomfort or distress. This can vary greatly between individuals, as sensory issues can be unique to each person with autism.

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Autistic Self-Advocacy Network is regarded as one of the best organisations for Autistic people, not sure if they are a charity or not but they are a good first-call for information on helping Autistic people. Avoid Autism Speaks, they are considered to be a hate group and although they claim to help Autistic people they actually harm us. From propaganda to torture, from supporting parents murdering Autistic children to eugenics - Autism Speaks does not speak for us.

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You wouldn't, not if you cared about Autistic people. Autism Speaks is widely considered a hate group by Autistic people. They use hate speech and propaganda about Autism to increase their profits, very little of their profits go towards helping Autistic people and their families, and instead Autism Speaks support 'curing' Autism which means preventing Autistic people being born. The organization has no Autistic people in their leadership, they refuse to listen to Autistic people who tell them that they are causing harm to the Autism community, they also support anti-vaccination movements, torture of Autistic children, and they sympathize with parents who murder their Autistic children. If you're interested in helping Autistic people a better organisation to get involved with is the Autism Self Advocacy Network - this is run by and for Autistic people and does a lot more to help Autistic people than Autism Speaks ever has. Go to their web site and Facebook page to see what opportunities they have available to work with them or to do fundraising.

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The logoc for Autism Speaks is a blue puzzle piece. It's important to point out that many people find this logo to be offensive as it suggests that autistic people are a puzzle or are missing something, also Autism Speaks is considered a hate group by Autistic people because they promote harmful propoganda against autistic people that increases prejudice. Please if you wish to support autistic causes opt for an orgnisation other than Autism Speaks.

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Autism Walk is promoted by Autism Speaks to increase their profits, Autism Speaks is considered to be a hate group by Autistic people - if you care about Autistic people you don't give a single penny to that organisation. If you want to walk for Autism start your own walk, make it free and ask for donations, and support an Autism charity that helps Autistic people.

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Listen to autistic people - even those who are mildly effected know more about what it is to be autistic than a neurotypical parent. Also remember that how someone is affected by autism and the severity in which they are affected varies throughout their lives so it may well be the 'passable' autistic adult was once severely effected when they were children. Your child will also be an adult at some point, adults who have already been through this are your greatest allies. Do not listen to Autism Speaks - this organisation does not speak for autistic people and are known to be openly prejudice against autistic people, they use harmful rhetoric about autistic people to increase their profits which in turn causes a lot more ignorance and prejudice towards autism. Autism Speaks are considered a hate group by most autistic people and autism allies.

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