I am not so sure if that is correct statement because it would depend on the individual. Some women are very logical while the man is more playful .
There is no evidence to suggest that women are less logical than men. Logic is a cognitive skill that is not determined by gender. Any perceived differences in logic between individuals are more likely due to personal experiences, education, and individual differences rather than gender.
Three stereotypes of gender are that men are more logical and less emotional than women, that women are more nurturing and caring than men, and that non-binary individuals are confused or indecisive about their gender identity.
There is no scientific evidence to support the notion that women are inherently less intelligent than men. Intelligence is a complex trait that is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and education. It is important to challenge and reject harmful stereotypes that perpetuate inequity and discrimination.
There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that women get more drunk than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol. However, women may generally have a higher blood alcohol concentration after consuming the same amount of alcohol due to differences in body composition. It is important for both men and women to drink responsibly and in moderation.
Cultural stereotypes can contribute to the income gap between men and women by perpetuating beliefs that men are more suited for higher paying jobs or leadership roles, while women are more suited for lower paying jobs or domestic roles. These stereotypes can lead to gender discrimination in hiring, promotions, and salary decisions, resulting in women being paid less than men for the same work.
There is no universal truth that men get angrier than women. Anger expression can be influenced by social norms, individual personality traits, and coping mechanisms. Both men and women experience anger, but they may express it differently based on various factors.
AnswerComing from a woman, no. Gender has nothing to do with it. It's all about the individual.It depends, men tend to think that they are more logical because they don't include anger or aggression as an emotional response and try to limit the definition of "emotion" to activities like crying.Emotional men who act out of anger or aggression are likely far less logical than women who do not.
Women had fewer job opportunities than men did in the 1960s.
they typically weigh less
Women paid less than men
Men's lungs are bigger
Diabetes is more prevalent in men than women because men develop diabetes at a lower body mass index than women of the same age. Researchers have theories than men are less sensitive to insulin than women.
Women were paid less than men
woman are paid less than men
More logical thinking. Less emotional responses to situations. What is important to men in general, and the man she loves in particular. Of course , this is a generalization, and requires co-operation from men.
Men = 3% Women - less than 1%
More or less everywhere, women outlive men, so there will be more old women than men in Greece.