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The distinction between introversion and extroversion is rooted in the unique nature of each individual. These traits emerge from a combination of genetic predispositions, early life experiences, and personal choices. Introverts often find energy and solace in solitude, reflecting inwardly and drawing strength from their inner world. Extroverts, on the other hand, thrive in social settings, gaining energy from interactions and external stimuli.

The diversity in these temperaments reflects the rich tapestry of human experience, allowing for a dynamic balance in social interactions and personal growth. Both introversion and extroversion have their own strengths and challenges, contributing to the intricate mosaic of human personalities. Understanding and embracing these differences can lead to deeper self-awareness and more harmonious relationships.

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8mo ago

Personality traits such as introversion and extroversion are believed to be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and biological factors. Introverted individuals may find social interactions draining and prefer solitude, while extroverted individuals may seek out social interactions for energy and stimulation. It is also possible for individuals to exhibit both introverted and extroverted traits, known as ambiversion.

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14y ago

Genes and life experiences. Some people just naturally feel more comfortable around other people and others don't. Traumatizing or just general life experiences can cause a person to be more introverted than extroverted and visa versa.

What you have to remember here is a human will act the way that gives them the most reward (brain chemically speaking). This means simply we do what makes us happy reflexively and the rest is learned.

Brains of introverts and extroverts are physically different in that the way each responds to stimuli excites their neurons differently with the resulting release or not of brain chemicals like serotonin (A neurotransmitter found principally in the brain that is considered essential for relaxation, sleep and concentration: read feel good chemical) or cortisol (an important hormone secreted in the brain during stress that can raise blood pressure and even cause an inflammatory response disease fighting: read feel bad).

Science has learned that the brains of introverts and extroverts are different on a genetic level and that each responds to a given situation differently.

This research is going to be useful in studying the long term effects of brain stress hormones and brain feel good chemicals in either PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) or substance abuse because the brain makes actual physical changes in it's neural pathways according to how long the pathways are used.

Neurons that fire together wire together.

So if you've been a certain way for a long time it IS harder to change yourself.

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Q: Why are some people introverted and others extroverted?
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What are some common peoples personalities?

Some common personality traits include introversion/extroversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, and emotional stability. People may also exhibit characteristics such as competitiveness, creativity, empathy, and assertiveness. Each individual's personality is unique and shaped by a combination of genetic, environmental, and experiential factors.

Do shy introverts like to go to parties and why?

Shy introverts may find going to parties overwhelming due to the large crowds and social interactions. They may prefer smaller gatherings or one-on-one interactions where they feel more comfortable and can connect more deeply with others.

How do you account for the emergence of people who act like others act differently from the others and act like some of the others?

It is likely influenced by individual differences in personality, beliefs, and experiences. People may act differently to express their uniqueness, feel a sense of belonging, or seek attention. Social norms and cultural influences can also play a role in shaping behavior and the way people interact with others.

Why do people maketrouble for others?

People may make trouble for others due to their own insecurities, jealousy, or unresolved issues. Some individuals may seek to control or manipulate others to fulfill their own desires or to mask their own shortcomings. It can also be a way for some people to channel their anger or frustrations onto others.

Why some people imitate the behaviore of others?

People may imitate the behaviors of others due to social learning, a desire to fit in, or to establish a connection with others. By observing and copying others, individuals can learn new behaviors and adapt quickly to social situations.

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What are some common peoples personalities?

Some common personality traits include introversion/extroversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, and emotional stability. People may also exhibit characteristics such as competitiveness, creativity, empathy, and assertiveness. Each individual's personality is unique and shaped by a combination of genetic, environmental, and experiential factors.

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* She may be extroverted and makes friends easily where you may be a little on the shy side or introverted and are uncomfortable talking to others wherever you are in a crowd. However, it is rude of her to leave you alone too long and she should introduce you to her friends. She is probably not aware how uncomfortable you are so communicate this fact to her in a nice way and I'm sure she'll stick around more when you are out with other people. You also need to make an effort to go and talk to some of her friends.

Is it possible for a person to be both introverted and extroverted only displaying one or the other based on mood or some other factor?

kind, nice and kind and nice. kind, nice and kind and nice. enjoyable, agreeable, pleasant, good, fine, lovely, amusing, wonderful polite, considerate,.

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You should simply talk to him or her about what you feel like. Maybe if you want to, they could be your key to being popular. If they don't want anything to do with you, they are not your real friend.

What do you call a person who is both introvert and extrovert?

I believe you would call them 'normal' . In most cases, it is not a categorical "Introvert" or "Extravert", but rather on a continuum. That is, everyone exists at some point between the two extremes. In some cases personality assessments, such as the MBTI, may call someone either an "Introvert" or "Extravert", but a numerical score is usually also provided to indicate how strongly a person leans towards one of the two. It is less likely for someone to be a full "Extravert" or a full "Introvert" than to be a mix of the two, and for most people their behaviour will be dependent on the situation they are in. -A person that is exactly 50% introverted and 50% extroverted is called an Ambivert. Someone that is more than 50% extroverted is typically considered an Extrovert and someone that is more than 50% introverted is considered an Introvert.

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On a one to one basis an introvert can make some individuals uncomfortable, but some people just think the introvert is shy and will prattle on without feel uncomfortable which is the best way to go when facing an introverted person.

Is Niall Horan introverted?

To some extent, yes.

What are some antonyms of the word alfooness?

warm friendly outgoing extroverted

What is a word with the root word -vert- which describes someone as being sometimes extroverted and sometimes introverted?

I don't believe that such a term exists. If it does, it isn't in any kind of popular use.I came upon this question while researching the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which categorizes personality on four fundamental axes... one of which is 'Extroversion' and 'Introversion'.I suppose that, to do some home-grown word-crafting, you could call someone that is occasionally extroverted and occasionally introverted an 'omnivert'... perhaps even an 'ambivert'. These aren't real words according to the dictionary, but their construction is otherwise consistent with accepted conventions of the English language.However, I would say that such a term is of very limited value, primarily because it is superfluous when one understands the actual definitions of "introvert" and "extrovert". People that are "extroverts" are, by definition, merely predisposed to be extroverted. Likewise, "introverts" aren't people that are exclusively introverted... they merely tend to have a natural preference toward introversion.In short, the terms 'introvert' and 'extrovert' cover the whole range of possibilities. For instance, an individual that describes themselves as 55% extroverted and 45% introverted is, by definition, an 'extrovert'. Similarly, one that feels that they are 52% introvert and 48% extrovert is, technically, an 'introvert'. This is because each term merely indicates a predispositiontoward internalizing or externalizing. Since, in both of these instances, the individual felt one or the other to be more dominant in some way that they were compelled to take into account, it is most likely the one which they prefer, and thus the one that best represents them and their natural preference.A term such as 'omnivert' has no usefulness since it refers to everyone. All individuals, whether 'extroverts' or 'introverts' are 'omniverted'... sometimes aimed outwardly, sometimes aimed inwardly. One of these will always be more predominate, though. Whichever that is, be it extroversion or introversion, is a much better desciptor of that individual.

What are the synonyms for a person who feels shy in public?

Some synonyms for a person who feels shy in public are introverted, timid, reserved, or bashful.

How would you call some that is afraid to express its feelings?

Insular, introverted or stoic