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ivan pavlov

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Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist and psychologist, is the social scientist known for studying human behavior through classical conditioning. He demonstrated that both animals and humans can exhibit trained and learned responses to stimuli in his famous experiment with dogs and the conditioned response to a bell.

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Q: Who is the social scientist that studied human behavior and stated that humans and animals can have trained and learned responses?
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A combination of innate and learned behavior?

Innate behavior refers to instinctual behaviors that an organism is born with, while learned behavior is acquired through experience and interaction with the environment. Many behaviors exhibited by animals, including humans, are a combination of both innate and learned components, with genetics playing a role in predisposing individuals to certain behaviors and experiences shaping their responses.

How could a scientist determine if a behavior is an instinct or is learned?

A scientist can determine if a behavior is instinctual by observing if it is present in all individuals of a species, without the need for prior experience. To determine if a behavior is learned, the scientist can observe if the behavior changes over time based on experience or environmental factors. Controlled experiments and behavioral studies can also help differentiate between instinctual and learned behaviors.

What is a non learned behavior?

A non-learned behavior is instinctual or innate, meaning it is not acquired through experience or teaching. These behaviors are often genetically programmed and can be observed in various species, including basic survival instincts like reflexes or innate responses to stimuli.

Which model of abnormality explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses?

The behavioral model explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses acquired through conditioning processes such as reinforcement and punishment. This approach focuses on observable behaviors and how they are shaped by environmental factors rather than internal thoughts or emotions.

What sentence could you use for learned behaviors?

Learned behaviors are actions or responses that an organism acquires through experience or practice, rather than through instinct.

Related questions

Is true of human behavior?

Human behavior is a combination of instinctive and learned responses.

Do plants have learned behaviors?

Plants do not have learned behaviors in the same way as animals do, as they lack a central nervous system. However, they can exhibit responses to their environment through mechanisms like tropisms, where they grow towards or away from stimuli such as light or gravity. These responses are a result of genetic programming rather than learned behavior.

A combination of innate and learned behavior?

Innate behavior refers to instinctual behaviors that an organism is born with, while learned behavior is acquired through experience and interaction with the environment. Many behaviors exhibited by animals, including humans, are a combination of both innate and learned components, with genetics playing a role in predisposing individuals to certain behaviors and experiences shaping their responses.

How could a scientist determine if a behavior is an instinct or is learned?

A scientist can determine if a behavior is instinctual by observing if it is present in all individuals of a species, without the need for prior experience. To determine if a behavior is learned, the scientist can observe if the behavior changes over time based on experience or environmental factors. Controlled experiments and behavioral studies can also help differentiate between instinctual and learned behaviors.

How do scientists determined if the behavior is instinct or learned?

Scientist know that the animal is instinct or not is because the animals know how to do it when they are born.

Hich group of animals has the most complex learned behavior?

social animals

What is learned behavior for animals?

all that they need is love and for u to care

What is a non learned behavior?

A non-learned behavior is instinctual or innate, meaning it is not acquired through experience or teaching. These behaviors are often genetically programmed and can be observed in various species, including basic survival instincts like reflexes or innate responses to stimuli.

What does learned behavior mean in biology?

In biology, learned behavior refers to actions or responses that an organism develops through experience or interactions with the environment, rather than being instinctual or genetically predetermined. These behaviors can be modified or changed over time based on individual experiences or environmental factors.

Which model of abnormality explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses?

The behavioral model explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses acquired through conditioning processes such as reinforcement and punishment. This approach focuses on observable behaviors and how they are shaped by environmental factors rather than internal thoughts or emotions.

Is learned behavior recongnizabe repetitions the animal makes in its responses?

Yes, as in a learnt response (effect) to a certain situation or stimuli (cause).

Can responses to stimuli be learned?

Yes, responses to stimuli can be learned through a process called conditioning. For example, in classical conditioning, an organism can learn to associate a neutral stimulus with a biologically significant stimulus, leading to a learned response. In operant conditioning, behavior is shaped through reinforcement or punishment in response to stimuli.