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Q: What word means a technique for learning to control one or more body functions by monitoring the body's responses?
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Which perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses?

Behavioral perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses through conditioning and reinforcement. It focuses on how behaviors are acquired and modified through experiences in the environment.

What are some models of Edwin Ray Guthrie?

Some models of Edwin Ray Guthrie include the law of contiguity, the one-trial learning theory, and the theory of learning as cumulative conditioning. These models emphasize the importance of repetition, associations between stimuli and responses, and the gradual accumulation of conditioned responses over time.

What are the things you have learned?

I have been trained on a large dataset to understand language patterns and provide accurate responses to users' queries. My responses are generated based on patterns in the data I was trained on, rather than from personal experiences or learning opportunities.

To say that learning is demonstrated by changes in behavior is to suggest that?

learning can be observed through the way a person acts or behaves differently before and after acquiring new knowledge or skills. This perspective highlights the practical application and manifestation of learning in one's actions and responses to stimuli.

What best describes the relationship between the three functions of the mind and deep learning higher-order thinking?

The three functions of the mind, namely memory, attention, and executive functions, play a crucial role in deep learning and higher-order thinking. Memory helps retain and recall information, attention focuses on relevant stimuli, and executive functions enable planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. These functions work synergistically to facilitate complex cognitive tasks like critical thinking, creativity, and analytical reasoning in deep learning processes.

Related questions

Does the hypothalamus play an important role when learning?

Yes, the hypothalamus is involved in learning by regulating functions such as motivation, emotional responses, and memory consolidation. It also interacts with other brain regions involved in learning and memory processes.

Which perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses?

Behavioral perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses through conditioning and reinforcement. It focuses on how behaviors are acquired and modified through experiences in the environment.

American behaviorist who focused on the role of responses in learning?

Ivan Pavlov

In what ways can I contribute to the monitoring and assessment of childrens learning?

t know

What is visual learning?

visual learniing is a technique of learning by not the ears or senses but visualy (the eyes basically)

What does the cerebrum control in a sheep's brain?

The cerebrum in a sheep's brain controls functions such as sensory perception, motor functions, and higher mental processes. It is responsible for activities like reasoning, learning, and memory. Additionally, the cerebrum regulates behaviors and responses to internal and external stimuli.

What were emotional expressions by newborns evolved to do?

It's believed that this is them learning the basics of interaction. It's called "interactional synchrony" and it involves them coordinating their actions with you as a conversation of sorts. It allows them to understand how their actions illicit certain responses from you, rather than being a survival technique to stop you from abandoning/eating them.

What are the benefits of learning the technique of biofeedback?

There are a number of benefits derived from learning the technique of biofeedback from a registered biofeedback therapist. For instance, one can learn how to improve one's health by moderating one's heartbeat and blood pressure.

What is spaced study?

Spaced study is a learning technique that allows a student to study for a short period of time, several times each day. This learning technique is believed to help the brain to store the information more quickly.

Who made the first holocron?

Adas, the king of Korriban, after learning the technique from the Rakata.

What is the purpose of a demonstration when you are learning a new skill or technique?

for Safety and to know what it looks like.

What kind of learning is classified as learning by association?

social learning