The Latin translation for the word terrible is terribilis. Other translations that can mean the same thing are horrendus, horribilis, and atrox.
Different people may face different consequences for the same actions due to various factors such as individual circumstances, past behavior, societal norms, and systemic inequalities. Inequities in power dynamics, access to resources, and social privilege can all contribute to the disparities in consequences experienced by different people. Additionally, the enforcement of consequences may be influenced by subjective perceptions, biases, and judgments of those in positions of authority.
"Bully" is a word that means to act mean or unkind towards someone.
Amazement and anxiety do not mean the same thing.
The word "same" in French is "mΓͺme."
No. Ya done goofed. Consequences will never be the same.
Humans Mean the same as people
what word mean the same as rummaged
I think the word you're looking for is 'reckless'. I found the term used in a legal context to mean exactly the same as the wording of your question. The dictionary definition was more about being without concern for consequences, but I think it fits.
it means the same as a root word
what is a same mean of colleague
Words that mean the same as the word 'beginning' are: start, origin, outset, onset, inception, source...