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random sample

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Lupe Hahn

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1y ago
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2mo ago

Researchers should ideally use randomized participants in experimental studies to establish cause-and-effect relationships. By randomly assigning participants to treatment and control groups, researchers can minimize biases and confidently attribute any observed differences to the intervention being studied. Randomization helps to ensure internal validity and strengthen the findings of the research.

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Q: What type of research participants should researchers use for studies of cause-and-effect relationships?
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What is the term for the people who are interviewed in a research study?

The term for the people who are interviewed in a research study is "participants" or "respondents." They provide valuable information and data to the researchers to help answer the study's research questions.

Why are confidentiality and informed consent important to physiological research?

Confidentiality protects the privacy of research participants by ensuring that their personal information is not disclosed without their permission. Informed consent ensures that participants are aware of the study's purpose, procedures, and any potential risks, allowing them to make an informed decision about participating. Both principles are crucial in fostering trust between researchers and participants and upholding ethical standards in physiological research.

Which research method is most appropriate if you are looking for a causal relationship?

A randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the most appropriate research method for investigating causal relationships. In an RCT, participants are randomly assigned to different groups, with one group receiving the treatment (independent variable) and the other acting as a control. This design allows researchers to establish causality by comparing the outcomes between the groups.

Which of the following is a guideline for doing research with people?

One guideline for conducting research with people is to obtain informed consent, ensuring that participants are fully aware of the study's purpose and potential risks. Additionally, researchers should prioritize participant confidentiality and respect their autonomy throughout the research process. Finally, it is important to use clear and understandable language when communicating with participants to ensure comprehension of study procedures and requirements.

What research methods did the researchers use?

The researchers used a combination of surveys, interviews, and experiments to collect and analyze data for their study. Surveys were used to gather information from a large sample of participants, interviews provided in-depth insights from selected individuals, and experiments allowed for controlled testing of hypotheses.

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What researchers generally use surveys secondary analyses of existing statistical data and experimental designs?

Researchers often use surveys to gather data from participants, secondary analyses of existing statistical data to explore relationships and patterns in data that have already been collected, and experimental designs to test hypotheses by manipulating variables and observing the effects on participants. Each method offers unique advantages and is chosen based on the research question being investigated.

What research design in which neither the researchers performing the intervention nor the research subjects know whether they are in the control group or the active intervention group is?

A research design in which both the researchers and participants are unaware of who is in the control or intervention group is called a double-blind study. This design helps eliminate bias and placebo effects in research studies by ensuring that neither the researchers nor the participants can influence the results based on their knowledge of the group assignment. Double-blind studies are commonly used in medical and psychological research.

What are the APA guidelines for research using humans?

The APA guidelines for research using humans include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring voluntary participation, protecting participants from harm, maintaining confidentiality, and debriefing participants after the study. Researchers are also required to obtain institutional review board (IRB) approval before conducting research with human participants.

What is the term for the people who are interviewed in a research study?

The term for the people who are interviewed in a research study is "participants" or "respondents." They provide valuable information and data to the researchers to help answer the study's research questions.

What are the considered unethical practices in business research?

Unethical practices in business research can include falsifying data, plagiarizing others' work, manipulating results, breaching confidentiality agreements, and not obtaining proper informed consent from research participants. These practices can compromise the integrity and reliability of research findings and harm the reputation of the researchers and the organizations they represent.

Difference between traditional research and Participatory Action Research?

Traditional research is typically conducted by researchers who collect data from participants and analyze it to generate knowledge. Participatory Action Research (PAR) involves collaboration between researchers and participants, who work together to address a particular issue or problem, with the goal of creating actionable solutions and bringing about social change. PAR values the expertise and knowledge of all stakeholders involved.

What is the researchers role in conducting qualitative research and how is this different from quantitative research?

In qualitative research, the researcher's role is to gather in-depth data through interviews, observations, and analysis to understand the underlying meanings and experiences of participants. This approach allows for greater flexibility, exploration, and understanding of complex social phenomena compared to quantitative research, which focuses on numerical data and statistical analyses to make generalizable conclusions. Quantitative research aims to measure relationships between variables and test hypotheses using structured data collection methods.

Which is a paradox of consent associated with the practice of fieldwork?

A paradox of consent in fieldwork is balancing the need for informed consent with the power dynamics between researchers and participants. Researchers must ensure participants understand the risks and benefits of their involvement, while also acknowledging factors like language barriers or unequal power relationships that may affect the ability to provide genuine consent. This can create a tension between meeting ethical standards and conducting meaningful research in fieldwork settings.

APA ethical standards require researchers to?

APA ethical standards require researchers to obtain informed consent from participants, protect the confidentiality of participant information, avoid causing harm to participants, and address any potential conflicts of interest. Researchers must also provide debriefing after the study and ensure that their research is conducted with integrity and transparency.

What kind of research design is most commonly used by researchers?

The most commonly used research design is the experimental design, where researchers manipulate one or more variables to observe their effect on an outcome. This design allows for causal relationships to be established between variables.

When the nature of a research study is kept from the subject of that study?

When the nature of a research study is kept from the subject, it is known as deception. This can be done to prevent participants from altering their behavior, which could impact the validity of the study's findings. However, researchers must follow ethical guidelines and debrief participants after the study to ensure they understand the true nature of the research.

What is the Definition of longitudinal design?

A longitudinal design is a research method that involves collecting data from the same group of participants at multiple points over time. This allows researchers to track changes and developments within the group and investigate causal relationships between variables.