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100% of teens are influenced by other teens or adults.

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Why would someone be apart of a social networking site (eg. myspace/ facebook)

the only reason would be because someone else is on that site as well. You cannot say 100% as its not true all teens are on those sites. It would be nearer 75% being influenced by other teens in my opinion. Id have to agree. there are always that bold few who do not to others for there inspiration.

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2mo ago

Research suggests that about 90% of teens are influenced by their peers. Peer influence can affect behavior, attitudes, and decision-making in areas such as clothing, music, and social activities. It's important for parents and educators to be aware of this influence and provide guidance to help teens make positive choices.

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Q: What percentage of teens are influenced by other teens?
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What percentage of teens fall victim to peer pressure?

Research shows that about 75% of teens report experiencing peer pressure in some form. However, the extent to which they succumb to it may vary among individuals and situations. It's important to note that not all teens are influenced by peer pressure in negative ways.

What is the percentage of troubled teens, in the US, that go to boarding schools during their high school years?

It is difficult to provide an exact percentage as data varies, but it is estimated that a small percentage of troubled teens in the US attend boarding schools during their high school years. Boarding schools can be an option for families seeking a structured and supportive environment for their teens who may be facing challenges.

How many teens have a low self esteem?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as self-esteem levels can vary among teens. However, research suggests that a significant percentage of teens experience low self-esteem at some point during their adolescence. Factors such as social media, peer pressure, and academic stress can contribute to feelings of low self-worth among teenagers.

Why are teens so easily influenced by peer pressure?

Teens are still developing their sense of self-identity and are more vulnerable to seeking approval and acceptance from their peers. This desire for belonging can make them more susceptible to conforming to peer pressure in order to fit in and be accepted within their social group. Additionally, the prefrontal cortex of the brain, responsible for decision-making and impulse control, is still developing during adolescence, which can also contribute to teens being influenced by peer pressure.

Why do teens hate other teens?

Teens may dislike each other due to competitiveness, jealousy, or differences in personality or interests. Peer pressure and social dynamics can also play a role in shaping teenage relationships. It's important to remember that not all teens hate each other, and many form strong bonds and friendships.

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What percentage of teens fall victim to peer pressure?

Research shows that about 75% of teens report experiencing peer pressure in some form. However, the extent to which they succumb to it may vary among individuals and situations. It's important to note that not all teens are influenced by peer pressure in negative ways.

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it makes them horny

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