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if I said, "this question makes no sense" it wouldn't even come close to explaning

how badly this so called question is written and/or phrased. It isn't even comprehendable. It can't even be understood it is so poorly written.

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Children with a fixed mindset tend to credit their successes to ability and failures to insufficient effort or the difficulty of the task. They believe that their abilities and intelligence are fixed traits, leading them to avoid challenges and give up easily when faced with obstacles.

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Q: What kind of children attributes credit their successes to ability and failures to insufficent effort or the difficulty of the task?
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What is preoperational ego-centrism?

Preoperational ego-centrism is a concept in Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, where children have difficulty taking on perspectives other than their own. They tend to believe that everyone sees the world as they do, leading to difficulty understanding different viewpoints. This egocentrism typically occurs in children between the ages of 2 and 7 years old.

What are the symptoms of emotional abuse in children?

Symptoms of emotional abuse in children can include withdrawal, low self-esteem, fear of trying new things, excessive anger or aggression, and difficulty forming relationships. Children may also exhibit a lack of emotional regulation and struggle with trust.

Which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development is characterized by egocentric thought?

Piaget's preoperational stage, typically observed in children aged 2-7, is characterized by egocentric thought. Children at this stage have difficulty understanding others' perspectives and tend to focus primarily on their own viewpoint.

What challenges do you foresee in dealing with younger children?

Some challenges in dealing with younger children may include their limited attention span, difficulty with communication, and emotional outbursts due to not being able to fully express themselves. It may also be challenging to find creative ways to engage them and keep them interested in learning activities.

What are the Psychological barriers for special needs children?

Special needs children may face psychological barriers such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and social isolation due to their challenges. They may also experience frustration, depression, and difficulty in expressing their feelings and emotions. It is important for caregivers and educators to provide appropriate support and interventions to help them overcome these barriers and thrive.

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It depends on what they read because if what they read is: irony, sarcasm, and slang then yes they will have difficulty but if it is normal and formal words then they will not have any difficulty understanding what they have read.

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by behaving a responsebility child

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the smith children would have difficulty making decisions in life away from home

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young children

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Yes. Children should feel safe in school. Children who do not feel safe in school have difficulty learning.

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Children with ADHD can be fidgety, have a very short attention span, be impulsive, and have difficulty completing tasks

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There are many positive attributes of marriage. It can bring stability and a sense of commitment to a relationship. If one decides to have children, it also provides a base for a nuclear family.

What do reading disorders do?

Children with reading disorders have difficulty recognizing and interpreting letters and words

Does Pandora have any children?

In Greek mythology, Pandora did not have any children. She was created by the gods as the first woman on Earth, with attributes such as curiosity and a tendency to bring trouble.