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There are can be several reasons for anger to be triggered in a person when there thought process is interupted. It may be situational and, in that regard, not technically a "disorder". This response is meant to be very brief, however, individuals who have difficulty concentrating can become aggitated when interupted. For example, folks that over or under concentrate as in an Attention Deficit Disorder. At the same time, highly creative folks can become very annoyed if distracted during a thought process. It is not unusual for individuals post central nervous system (brain truama) to become aggitated by frequent interuptions; this occurs for several reasons but overall their is a frustration as word finding or concept formation can be lost due to these interuptions. The gamit of personality structure (whether at the level of disorder or not) can be involved. For example, narcissistic personalities and those highly defended, like paranoid personality can perceive an interuption as a threat to their status, demeaning or some personal slighting. These personalities can become highly activated. There is some thought that certain forms of dementia can cause a person to respond to interuptions with anger.

Overall, impatience/lack of tolerance for one's thoughts being interupted can be caused my several transient, acute issues or more chronic conditions, including being under the influence of substances that effect the central nervouse system weather alcohol, street drugs or a medically perscribed drug treatment.

This is a minimal answer and a fuller answer would require more specifics about the context of the individual outside their response alone to a single condition, i.e., more about them then "they get angry when their train of thought is interupted".

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This type of disorder is often associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), where individuals may display irritability or anger when their thought patterns are disrupted or challenged. This reaction can stem from a need for control, order, or perfectionism that is disrupted by external influences. Therapy and coping strategies can help individuals manage these responses.

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Q: What is the type of disorder that causes anger when their trian of thought is interrupted?
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What is another word for a thought or event that causes a person to become angry other than trigger or a cue?

An alternative term for a thought or event that causes anger in a person could be an incitement or a provocation.

What is anger displacement disorder?

Anger displacement disorder is a psychological condition where a person redirects their anger from the actual source onto a less threatening target. This defense mechanism can lead to outbursts or conflicts with individuals who are not responsible for the person's anger. Therapy and self-awareness can help identify and manage this behavior.

Is depakote used for anger management?

Depakote (divalproex sodium) is primarily used to treat seizure disorders, bipolar disorder, and migraine headaches. It is not typically used specifically for anger management. If anger is a symptom of an underlying mood disorder like bipolar disorder, Depakote may help manage both mood swings and associated anger.

Is there a relationship between personality disorder and anger?

Yes, individuals with personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, may experience difficulties in managing and expressing anger. This can manifest in explosive outbursts, intense emotions, or difficulties in regulating their responses to perceived threats. Treatment that focuses on improving emotion regulation and communication skills can help individuals with personality disorders manage their anger more effectively.

What causes extreme mood swings of irrational anger and upset?

Extreme mood swings of irrational anger and upset can be caused by various factors such as hormonal imbalances, mental health disorders like bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder, chronic stress, and unresolved emotional trauma. It is important to consult with a mental health professional for a proper assessment and diagnosis to determine the underlying cause.

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What is another word for a thought or event that causes a person to become angry other than trigger or a cue?

An alternative term for a thought or event that causes anger in a person could be an incitement or a provocation.

What is anger displacement disorder?

Anger displacement disorder is a psychological condition where a person redirects their anger from the actual source onto a less threatening target. This defense mechanism can lead to outbursts or conflicts with individuals who are not responsible for the person's anger. Therapy and self-awareness can help identify and manage this behavior.

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Personality Disorder

Is depakote used for anger management?

Depakote (divalproex sodium) is primarily used to treat seizure disorders, bipolar disorder, and migraine headaches. It is not typically used specifically for anger management. If anger is a symptom of an underlying mood disorder like bipolar disorder, Depakote may help manage both mood swings and associated anger.

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Is there a relationship between personality disorder and anger?

Yes, individuals with personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, may experience difficulties in managing and expressing anger. This can manifest in explosive outbursts, intense emotions, or difficulties in regulating their responses to perceived threats. Treatment that focuses on improving emotion regulation and communication skills can help individuals with personality disorders manage their anger more effectively.

What causes extreme mood swings of irrational anger and upset?

Extreme mood swings of irrational anger and upset can be caused by various factors such as hormonal imbalances, mental health disorders like bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder, chronic stress, and unresolved emotional trauma. It is important to consult with a mental health professional for a proper assessment and diagnosis to determine the underlying cause.

Can my husband's borderline personality disorder ex-lover with anger and alcohol issues be dangerous to him or me?

It depends on the personality disorder. If she has shown violent tendencies in the past due to her disorder or her drinking then I would say yes.

Is there a disorder that causes people to feel emotions that are the opposite of what they're supposed to feel?

It may not be a "disorder", however, when anger (provoked or unprovoked) moves to rebellion, I think it is possible to mentally flee to choosing the opposite action and/or feeling that is normally expected of us.Also, ambivalence is, in part, feeling two contradicting emotions at the same time, and often has roots in past abuse.Allender, Dr. Dan B. The Wounded HeartPriolo, Lou. The Heart of Anger

Will hearing the same question over and over again cause anger?

Sometimes yes, it causes a lot of anger in people. Repeating and listening same thing again causes frustration.

What harm does anger do to you?

Anger motivates people to behave in ways that causes harm to others. People in general like people who treat them well, and anger acts against that.