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The term for this research method is "survey." Surveys involve asking participants questions to gather data on their opinions, behaviors, or characteristics.

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Q: What is the term for the research method in which data is collected through participant responses to questions?
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What is the major problem with using participant observation as a research tool?

One major problem with using participant observation is the potential for bias or subjectivity to influence the data collected. Researchers may unintentionally shape their observations based on their own beliefs or preconceptions, leading to skewed results. Additionally, researchers may struggle with issues related to gaining access to the group being studied or experiencing ethical dilemmas in maintaining their role as both participant and observer.

Pros and cons of passive and active research?

Passive research involves observing behavior without interacting with participants, allowing for a more naturalistic setting but limited control over variables. Active research involves direct engagement with participants, offering more control over variables but potentially influencing participant responses. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, which should be considered based on the research goals and context.

Which perspective is most likely to use participant observation as a research method?

Anthropology and sociology are the perspectives most likely to use participant observation as a research method. This method involves immersing oneself in the culture or community being studied to gain a deep understanding of their practices, beliefs, and social interactions. Participant observation is particularly valuable for studying behavior and social norms within a specific context.

What do you call a person you test on?

A person who is tested on is typically referred to as a "test subject" or "participant" in a research or experimental setting.

What is an advantage of the participant observation research method?

What is an advantage of the participant observation research method? A. It provides opportunities to see things that may have been missed in a less direct data collection. (Correct Answer) B. It ensures that there is no bias in the collection of data. C. It creates opportunities to include guess work and the observer's personal perspective in the collection of the data. D. It develops guidelines to prevent miscalculations while analyzing the data that were collected. Apex Teddi

Related questions

How is the research survey done?

Research surveys are typically conducted by designing a set of questions related to the research topic. These questions are then distributed to a sample population either through online platforms, email, or in-person interviews. Responses are collected and analyzed to draw conclusions from the data.

What are the differentiate between participant and non-participant?

A participant is actively involved in a research study, often providing data or responses to the researcher's inquiries. A non-participant, on the other hand, does not actively engage in the research but may still be impacted by the outcomes or findings of the study.

What is non participant observation?

Non-participant, or direct, observation is where data are collected by observing behaviour without interacting with the participants. Participant observation is where data are collected by interacting with, and therefore experiencing, the phenomenon being studied.

What is a structured questionnaire?

Structured questionnaire is a type of quantitative research method where individuals are asked closed-ended form of questions that require either yes or no responses. The questions are very specific to the research being conducted.

What are the three stages of a research interview?

The three stages of a research interview are: Introduction: Setting the tone, explaining the purpose, and building rapport Questioning: Asking the planned questions to gather data and insights Closing: Summarizing key points, asking for additional comments, and thanking the participant

What best describes the survey method of research?

The survey method of research is sometimes called a census survey. It relies on people responses to questions either with or without explanation.

Must a research participant complete the study after the informed consent for a research study is given?

No, a research participant has the right to withdraw from a study at any point even after giving informed consent. Researchers should respect the participant's decision to withdraw without any negative consequences.

What is the difference between participant selection and participant allocation?

Participant Selection:The process of selecting participants for research (also called sampling). The participants who are selected are used in the research are said to form the sample.Participant Allocation:After participants have been selected, they have to be allocated, or assigned to a group that may be used in the research study.

Is the scientific for an individual who partipates in research?

The scientific term for an individual who participates in research is a "research participant" or "study participant." These individuals contribute to research studies by providing data, samples, or information that helps researchers to make scientific discoveries and advancements.

What is it called when a research participant gives an incomplete answer?

Response Error

At the conclusion of which of these research methods is an ethnography written?

participant observation

What kind of data is collected during preliminary serveys?

During preliminary surveys, data related to the target population, research objectives, potential challenges, and feasibility of the study is typically collected. This may include demographic information, existing literature and knowledge gaps, potential research methods, and initial insights into the research topic. It helps in refining the research questions and designing the study effectively.