

What is the mean long grin?

Updated: 11/9/2023
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The term "mean long grin" is not commonly used or recognized. It is likely a made-up phrase or a specific term used in a certain context or community. Without further information, it is difficult to provide a specific meaning for this phrase.

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What is the difference between a smile and a grin?

A smile is a happy facial expression typically involving the lips turning upward, while a grin is a broader and often mischievous smile that usually involves showing teeth. Smiles are more subtle and can convey various emotions, while grins are usually associated with amusement or satisfaction.

What is the difference between grin and smirk?

A grin is a broad smile showing teeth, usually expressing happiness or amusement. A smirk is a smug, self-satisfied smile often used to show sarcastic or conceited amusement. The key difference is the level of sincerity or insincerity conveyed by each expression.

What is the difference between smiling and grinning?

Smiling typically involves lifting the corners of the mouth to express happiness or amusement. Grinning, on the other hand, is a broader smile that may involve showing teeth and often indicates a larger degree of excitement or silliness.

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Synonym: brooding, moping Antonym: cheerful, content

What does it mean when a guy walks past you verrrry close and looks right in your eyes and also has a big cheesy grin on his face and looks you up and down when he sees you smiling with your friends?

It could indicate that the guy is trying to show interest in you or display flirtatious behavior. The eye contact, close proximity, big grin, and checking you out are all signs that he may find you attractive or intriguing. However, it's important to remember that interpreting body language can be subjective, so it's best to communicate directly with the person if you're interested in getting to know them better.